View Javadoc
1   /*
2    * This software was designed and created by Jason Carroll.
3    * Copyright (c) 2002, 2003, 2004 Jason Carroll.
4    * The author can be reached at
5    * ITracker website:
6    * ITracker forums:
7    *
8    * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9    * it only under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10   * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
11   * (at your option) any later version.
12   *
13   * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16   * GNU General Public License for more details.
17   */
19  package;
21  import org.itracker.PasswordException;
22  import org.itracker.UserException;
23  import org.itracker.model.*;
24  import;
25  import;
27  import java.util.Collection;
28  import java.util.List;
29  import java.util.Map;
30  import java.util.Set;
32  public interface UserService extends UserDetailsService {
34      User getUser(Integer userId);
36      User getUserByLogin(String login);
38      String getUserPasswordByLogin(String login);
40      List<User> getAllUsers();
42      int getNumberUsers();
44      List<User> getActiveUsers();
46      List<User> getSuperUsers();
48      List<User> getPossibleOwners(Issue issue, Integer projectId, Integer userId);
50      User"../../../org/itracker/model/User.html#User">User createUser(User user) throws UserException;
52      User"../../../org/itracker/model/User.html#User">User updateUser(User user) throws UserException;
54      String generateUserPassword(User user) throws PasswordException;
56      UserPreferences/model/UserPreferences.html#UserPreferences">UserPreferences updateUserPreferences(UserPreferences user) throws UserException;
58      void clearOwnedProjects(User user);
60      /**
61       * Finds all users assigned to a project having all of the given permissionTypes.
62       *
63       * @param projectID the project ID
64       * @param permissionTypes array of permission types
65       * @return users having the required permissions
66       */
67      List<User> findUsersForProjectByPermissionTypeList(Integer projectID, PermissionType[] permissionTypes);
69      /**
70       * This method will call local EJBs to find users with a specific permission.
71       * This method is used by the deafult authenticator to manage permissions locally.
72       * If a pluggable authenticator is implemented that stores permissions in an
73       * external system, calling this method may not have up to date information.
74       *
75       * @param projectId      id of the project on which the returned users have permissions
76       * @param permissionType the type of permission to search for
77       * @return an array of UserModels containing the users with the permission
78       */
80      List<User> getUsersWithPermissionLocal(Integer projectId, PermissionType permissionType);
82      @Deprecated
83      List<User> getUsersWithPermissionLocal(Integer projectId, int permissionType);
85      /**
86       * This method will call local EJBs to find all permissions for a user.
87       * This method is used by the deafult authenticator to manage permissions locally.
88       * If a pluggable authenticator is implemented that stores permissions in an
89       * external system, calling this method may not have up to date information.
90       *
91       * @param user the user to find the permissions for
92       * @return an array of PermissionModels containing the user's permissions
93       */
94      List<Permission> getUserPermissionsLocal(User user);
96      /**
97       * Adds an additional set of permissions to a user in the database.  This does not remove any existing
98       * permissions.  Any duplication permissions will be ignored.  Before updating the permissions, this
99       * method will call the pluggable authenticator to have the permission set augmented.  This augmented
100      * set of permissions will then be used for the actual update.
101      *
102      * @param userId         the userId, not login, of the user to add the permissions to
103      * @param newPermissions an array of PermissionModels that represent the new permissions to add to the user
104      * @return true if the operation was successful
105      */
107     boolean updateAuthenticator(Integer userId, List<Permission> newPermissions);
109     /**
110      * Resets all of the permissions for a user in the database.  The new permissions for the user are contained in a
111      * HashMap object.  The keys of this map MUST be in the format Perm<permission type>Prod<productId>.  For example to add the
112      * VIEW_ALL permission to project 3, the key would be Perm7Prod3.  The value of the key would be a Permission
113      * object.  Before updating the permissions, this method will call the pluggable authenticator to have the permission
114      * set augmented.  This augmented set of permissions will then be used for the actual update.
115      *
116      * @param userId         the userId, not login, of the user to add the permissions to
117      * @param newPermissions a HashMap containing keys and Permission values as described in the method description.
118      * @return true if the operation was successful
119      * @see org.itracker.model.util.UserUtilities
120      */
122     boolean addUserPermissions(Integer userId, List<Permission> newPermissions);
124     /**
125      * Resets all of the permissions for a user in the database.  The new permissions for the user are contained in a
126      * HashMap object.  The keys of this map MUST be in the format Perm<permission type>Prod<productId>.  For example to add the
127      * VIEW_ALL permission to project 3, the key would be Perm7Prod3.  The value of the key would be a Permission
128      * object.  Before updating the permissions, this method will call the pluggable authenticator to have the permission
129      * set augmented.  This augmented set of permissions will then be used for the actual update.
130      *
131      * @param userId         the userId, not login, of the user to add the permissions to
132      * @param newPermissions a HashMap containing keys and Permission values as described in the method description.
133      * @return true if the operation was successful
134      * @see org.itracker.model.util.UserUtilities
135      */
137     boolean setUserPermissions(Integer userId, List<Permission> newPermissions);
139     /**
140      * Resets all of the permissions for a user in the database.  The new permissions for the user are contained in a
141      * HashMap object.  The keys of this map MUST be in the format Perm<permission type>Prod<productId>.  For example to add the
142      * VIEW_ALL permission to project 3, the key would be Perm7Prod3.  The value of the key would be a Permission
143      * object.  Before updating the permissions, this method will call the pluggable authenticator to have the permission
144      * set augmented.  This augmented set of permissions will then be used for the actual update.
145      *
146      * @param userId         the userId, not login, of the user to add the permissions to
147      * @param newPermissions a HashMap containing keys and Permission values as described in the method description.
148      * @return true if the operation was successful
149      * @see org.itracker.model.util.UserUtilities
150      */
152     boolean removeUserPermissions(Integer userId, List<Permission> newPermissions);
154     /**
155      * Returns an array of Permission objects for the requested userId.
156      *
157      * @param userId the userId, not the login, to find the permissions of
158      */
160     List<Permission> getPermissionsByUserId(Integer userId);
162     /**
163      * Returns a HashMap of all permissions a user has.  The HashMap uses the projectId
164      * as the key values, and then contains a HashSet as the value of the key containing
165      * Integer objects of the permissions a user has.
166      * <p/>
167      * A special key of the Integer -1 may also be in the HashMap.  This key is used
168      * to represent if the user is a super user, and in which case the user has all
169      * permissions be default.
170      * <p/>
171      * The value of this key would be a Boolen object with the value true
172      * if the user was a super user.
173      * <p/>
174      * This HashMap is usually not used directly, but in conjunction with the hasPermission
175      * methods in UserUtilities to determine if a user has a particular permission.
176      *
177      * @param user     a User representing the user that the permissions should be obtained for
178      * @param reqSource the source of the request
179      * @return a Map of permission types by project ID
180      * @see org.itracker.model.util.UserUtilities#hasPermission
181      */
182     Map<Integer, Set<PermissionType>> getUsersMapOfProjectIdsAndSetOfPermissionTypes(User user, int reqSource);
184     /**
185      * This method will return a list of users with a specific permission, either explicitly, or
186      * by their role as a super user.  This list is obtained calling a method in the pluggable
187      * authenticator, so the actual source of the data may not
188      * be the local datastore.
189      *
190      * @param projectId  the project to find the permission for
191      * @param permission the permission to check for
192      * @return an array of Users that represent the users that have the permission
193      */
194     List<User> getUsersWithProjectPermission(Integer projectId, PermissionType permission);
196     @Deprecated
197     List<User> getUsersWithProjectPermission(Integer projectId, int permission);
199     /**
200      * This method will return a list of users with a specific permission, either explicitly, or
201      * by their role as a super user.  This list is obtained calling a method in the pluggable
202      * authenticator, so the actual source of the data may not
203      * be the local datastore.
204      *
205      * @param projectId  the project to find the permission for
206      * @param permission the permission to check for
207      * @param activeOnly only include users who are currently active
208      * @return an array of UserModels that represent the users that have the permission
209      */
210     @Deprecated
211     List<User> getUsersWithProjectPermission(Integer projectId, int permission, boolean activeOnly);
213     /**
214      * This method will return a list of users with the supplied permission, either explicitly, or
215      * by their role as a super user.  This list is obtained calling a method in the pluggable
216      * authenticator, so the actual source of the data may not be the local datastore.
217      *
218      * @param projectId   the project to find the permission for
219      * @param permissions the permissions that are checked against
220      * @param requireAll  true if all the permissions in the array are required, false if only one is required
221      * @param activeOnly  only include users who are currently active
222      * @return an array of UserModels that represent the users that have the permission
223      */
224     List<User> getUsersWithProjectPermission(Integer projectId, PermissionType[] permissions, boolean requireAll, boolean activeOnly);
226     @Deprecated
227     List<User> getUsersWithProjectPermission(Integer projectId, int[] permissions, boolean requireAll, boolean activeOnly);
229     /**
230      * This method will return a list of users with any of the supplied permission, either explicitly, or
231      * by their role as a super user.  This list is obtained calling a method in the pluggable
232      * authenticator, so the actual source of the data may not
233      * be the local datastore.
234      *
235      * @param projectId   the project to find the permission for
236      * @param permissions the permissions that are checked against
237      * @return an array of UserModels that represent the users that have the permission
238      */
239     List<User> getUsersWithAnyProjectPermission(Integer projectId, PermissionType[] permissions);
241     List<User> getUsersWithProjectPermission(Integer projectId, PermissionType permissionType, boolean activeOnly);
243     /**
244      * This method will return a list of users with any of the supplied permission, either explicitly, or
245      * by their role as a super user.  This list is obtained calling a method in the pluggable
246      * authenticator, so the actual source of the data may not
247      * be the local datastore.
248      *
249      * @param projectId   the project to find the permission for
250      * @param permissionTypes the permissions that are checked against
251      * @return an array of UserModels that represent the users that have the permission
252      */
253     @Deprecated
254     List<User> getUsersWithAnyProjectPermission(Integer projectId, int[] permissionTypes);
256     /**
257      * This method will return a list of users with any of the supplied permission, either explicitly, or
258      * by their role as a super user.  This list is obtained calling a method in the pluggable
259      * authenticator, so the actual source of the data may not
260      * be the local datastore.
261      *
262      * @param projectId   the project to find the permission for
263      * @param permissions the permissions that are checked against
264      * @param activeOnly  only include users who are currently active
265      * @return an array of UserModels that represent the users that have the permission
266      */
267     List<User> getUsersWithAnyProjectPermission(Integer projectId, PermissionType[] permissions, boolean activeOnly);
269     @Deprecated
270     List<User> getUsersWithAnyProjectPermission(Integer projectId, int[] permissions, boolean activeOnly);
272     /**
273      * This method checks the login of a user, and returns the user if authentication was successful.
274      *
275      * @param login          the login the user/client provided
276      * @param authentication the user's authentication information, if known
277      * @param authType       the type of authentication information being provided
278      * @param reqSource      the source from which the request was made (eg web, api)
279      * @return a User if the login is successful
280      * @throws AuthenticatorException an exception if the login is unsuccessful, or an error occurs
281      */
282     User checkLogin(String login, Object authentication, int authType, int reqSource) throws AuthenticatorException;
284     /**
285      * This method checks to see if the given user is allowed to self register.
286      *
287      * @param user           a User object that contains the data the user submitted
288      * @param authentication the user's authentication information, if known
289      * @param authType       the type of authentication information being provided
290      * @param reqSource      the source from which the request was made (eg web, api)
291      * @return true if the user is allowed to register
292      * @throws AuthenticatorException an exception if an error occurs
293      */
294     boolean allowRegistration(User user, Object authentication, int authType, int reqSource) throws AuthenticatorException;
296     /**
297      * This method checks to see if a new user profile can be created within ITracker
298      *
299      * @param user           a User object that contains the data for the new user.  If null,
300      *                       then the request is being made for an unknown future user.  For example,
301      *                       the system may request this with an null user if it needs to know if the system
302      *                       should even present the option to create a new user
303      * @param authentication the user's authentication information, if known
304      * @param authType       the type of authentication information being provided
305      * @param reqSource      the source from which the request was made (eg web, api)
306      * @return a boolean indicating whether new user profile can be created through ITracker
307      * @throws AuthenticatorException an exception if an error occurs
308      */
309     boolean allowProfileCreation(User user, Object authentication, int authType, int reqSource) throws AuthenticatorException;
311     /**
312      * This method checks to see if the given user's core user profile information
313      * can be updated locally.
314      *
315      * @param user           a User object that contains the data the user submitted
316      * @param authentication the user's authentication information, if known
317      * @param authType       the type of authentication information being provided
318      * @param reqSource      the source from which the request was made (eg web, api)
319      * @return a boolean whether the user's core profile information can be updated
320      * @throws AuthenticatorException an exception if an error occurs
321      */
322     boolean allowProfileUpdates(User user, Object authentication, int authType, int reqSource) throws AuthenticatorException;
324     /**
325      * This method checks to see if the given user's password can be updated locally.
326      *
327      * @param user           a User object that contains the data the user submitted
328      * @param authentication the user's authentication information, if known
329      * @param authType       the type of authentication information being provided
330      * @param reqSource      the source from which the request was made (eg web, api)
331      * @return a boolean whether the user's core profile information can be updated
332      * @throws AuthenticatorException an exception if an error occurs
333      */
334     boolean allowPasswordUpdates(User user, Object authentication, int authType, int reqSource) throws AuthenticatorException;
336     /**
337      * This method checks to see if the given user's permission information
338      * can be updated locally.
339      *
340      * @param user           a User object that contains the data the user submitted
341      * @param authentication the user's authentication information, if known
342      * @param authType       the type of authentication information being provided
343      * @param reqSource      the source from which the request was made (eg web, api)
344      * @return a boolean whether the user's core profile information can be updated
345      * @throws AuthenticatorException an exception if an error occurs
346      */
347     boolean allowPermissionUpdates(User user, Object authentication, int authType, int reqSource) throws AuthenticatorException;
349     /**
350      * This method checks to see if the given user's preference information
351      * can be updated locally.
352      *
353      * @param user           a User object that contains the data the user submitted
354      * @param authentication the user's authentication information, if known
355      * @param authType       the type of authentication information being provided
356      * @param reqSource      the source from which the request was made (eg web, api)
357      * @return a boolean whether the user's core profile information can be updated
358      * @throws AuthenticatorException an exception if an error occurs
359      */
360     boolean allowPreferenceUpdates(User user, Object authentication, int authType, int reqSource) throws AuthenticatorException;
364 }