public class LogoutSeleniumIT extends AbstractSeleniumTestCase
applicationContext, logger
applicationHost, applicationPath, applicationPort, applicationURL, driver, SE_TIMEOUT, wiser
Constructor | Description |
LogoutSeleniumIT() |
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
protected String[] |
getDataSetFiles() |
void |
testLoginAndLogout() |
Verifies the successful login case with valid login/password.
closeDatabase, getDataSource, getProperty, initDatabase, initializeAllLanguages, initializeLocale, onSetUp, onTearDown, resetConfiguration, setDataSource
assertElementCountEquals, assertElementCountEquals, assertElementNotPresent, assertElementNotPresent, assertElementPresent, assertElementPresent, assertElementTextEquals, assertElementTextEquals, closeSession, login, seleniumStart, takeSnapShot, waitForPageToLoad, waitForPageToLoad
public void testLoginAndLogout() throws IOException
0. Exit all available http sessions. 1. Open some page inside the system. 2. Verify, that browser was forwarded to login page. 3. Enters correct login and password into appropriate input fields. 4. Clicks "Login" button. 5. Waits for page reload. 6. Verifies if page contains ticket id input field, which means we are inside an application. 7. Verify if page contains Logout link and click it. 8. After page refresh, verify that it's login page. 9. Again, try to access some page inside the system. 10. Verify, that browser has been forwarded to login page again.
protected String[] getDataSetFiles()
in class org.itracker.AbstractDependencyInjectionTest
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