Package | Description |
org.itracker.model |
All entity classes are POJO beans.
org.itracker.model.util |
This package contains code for what?
org.itracker.persistence.dao |
This package contains all Data Access Object (XxxDAO) interfaces
along with their Hibernate implementations (XxxDAOImpl).
| |
Service Interfaces
| |
This package has something to do with Authentication ;)
| |
This package has something to do with Authentication, maybe Active Directory Service for those not using Linux for whatever reason ;)
| |
This package contains XXXService interface implementations,
named XXXServiceImpl by convention.
org.itracker.web.actions |
This package contains Struts actions
org.itracker.web.actions.base | |
org.itracker.web.actions.project | | | |
org.itracker.web.forms |
This package contains Struts forms used when receiving data from the Struts servlets
org.itracker.web.ptos |
This package holds PTO's (Presentatin Transfer Objects) that are used in case normal entities from the model are not good enough.
org.itracker.web.taglib | |
org.itracker.web.util |
This package has something to do with utilities for web actions, but
please explain in detail what shall be in, or not in here.
Class | Description |
AbstractEntity |
This is a POJO Business Domain Object.
Component |
Models a project component.
Configuration |
A configuration item.
Configuration.ConfigurationOrderComparator | |
Configuration.Type | |
CustomField |
A custom field that can be added to an Issue.
CustomField.DateFormat |
Date format for fields of type DATE.
CustomField.Type |
Enumeration of possible data types.
CustomFieldValue |
An option for the value of a CustomField of type
LIST . |
Entity |
All database entities must implement this interface, which represents
the minimum requirements to meet.
IntCodeEnum |
An interface to be implemented by java.lang.Enum classes that need
to associate a unique and constant integer code to their enum constants.
Issue |
A project issue.
IssueActivity |
An issue activity.
IssueActivityType | |
IssueAttachment |
A file attachment to an Issue.
IssueField |
A CustomField with its value for an Issue.
IssueHistory |
An issue history entry.
IssueHistory.Status | |
IssueRelation |
A relation between issues.
IssueRelation.Type | |
Language |
Models a language entry.
NameValuePair |
Class provides basic storage for name values pairs.
Notification |
A notification to a user about an Issue.
Notification.Role | |
Notification.Type | |
Permission |
A user permission on a project.
Permission.PermissionPropertiesComparator | |
PermissionType |
Enumeration for permission types.
Project |
This is a POJO Business Domain Object modelling a project.
Project.ProjectComparator |
Comparator for comparing projects by name
ProjectScript |
A Beanshell script configured to be executed for a specific Project field.
ProjectScript.FieldPriorityComparator | |
Report |
This is a POJO Business Domain Object.
Status |
Enumeration of Project, Component or Version statuses.
SystemConfiguration | |
User |
A user.
UserPreferences |
The system configuration of a User.
Version |
A Project version.
WorkflowScript |
A BeanShell script to execute on a particular event.
WorkflowScript.ScriptLanguage |
Class | Description |
Component |
Models a project component.
Configuration |
A configuration item.
Configuration.Type | |
CustomField |
A custom field that can be added to an Issue.
CustomField.Type |
Enumeration of possible data types.
CustomFieldValue |
An option for the value of a CustomField of type
LIST . |
Issue |
A project issue.
IssueActivityType | |
IssueRelation.Type | |
NameValuePair |
Class provides basic storage for name values pairs.
Notification |
A notification to a user about an Issue.
Notification.Role | |
Permission |
A user permission on a project.
PermissionType |
Enumeration for permission types.
Project |
This is a POJO Business Domain Object modelling a project.
Status |
Enumeration of Project, Component or Version statuses.
User |
A user.
Version |
A Project version.
Class | Description |
Component |
Models a project component.
Configuration |
A configuration item.
Configuration.Type | |
CustomField |
A custom field that can be added to an Issue.
CustomFieldValue |
An option for the value of a CustomField of type
LIST . |
Entity |
All database entities must implement this interface, which represents
the minimum requirements to meet.
Issue |
A project issue.
IssueActivity |
An issue activity.
IssueAttachment |
A file attachment to an Issue.
IssueHistory |
An issue history entry.
IssueRelation |
A relation between issues.
IssueSearchQuery | |
Language |
Models a language entry.
Notification |
A notification to a user about an Issue.
Permission |
A user permission on a project.
PermissionType |
Enumeration for permission types.
Project |
This is a POJO Business Domain Object modelling a project.
ProjectScript |
A Beanshell script configured to be executed for a specific Project field.
Report |
This is a POJO Business Domain Object.
User |
A user.
UserPreferences |
The system configuration of a User.
Version |
A Project version.
WorkflowScript |
A BeanShell script to execute on a particular event.
Class | Description |
Component |
Models a project component.
Configuration |
A configuration item.
Configuration.Type | |
CustomField |
A custom field that can be added to an Issue.
CustomFieldValue |
An option for the value of a CustomField of type
LIST . |
Issue |
A project issue.
IssueActivity |
An issue activity.
IssueAttachment |
A file attachment to an Issue.
IssueField |
A CustomField with its value for an Issue.
IssueHistory |
An issue history entry.
IssueRelation |
A relation between issues.
IssueRelation.Type | |
IssueSearchQuery | |
Language |
Models a language entry.
NameValuePair |
Class provides basic storage for name values pairs.
Notification |
A notification to a user about an Issue.
Notification.Role | |
Notification.Type | |
Permission |
A user permission on a project.
PermissionType |
Enumeration for permission types.
Project |
This is a POJO Business Domain Object modelling a project.
ProjectScript |
A Beanshell script configured to be executed for a specific Project field.
Report |
This is a POJO Business Domain Object.
SystemConfiguration | |
User |
A user.
UserPreferences |
The system configuration of a User.
Version |
A Project version.
WorkflowScript |
A BeanShell script to execute on a particular event.
Class | Description |
Permission |
A user permission on a project.
PermissionType |
Enumeration for permission types.
User |
A user.
Class | Description |
User |
A user.
Class | Description |
Component |
Models a project component.
Configuration |
A configuration item.
Configuration.Type | |
CustomField |
A custom field that can be added to an Issue.
CustomFieldValue |
An option for the value of a CustomField of type
LIST . |
Issue |
A project issue.
IssueActivity |
An issue activity.
IssueAttachment |
A file attachment to an Issue.
IssueField |
A CustomField with its value for an Issue.
IssueHistory |
An issue history entry.
IssueRelation |
A relation between issues.
IssueRelation.Type | |
IssueSearchQuery | |
Language |
Models a language entry.
NameValuePair |
Class provides basic storage for name values pairs.
Notification |
A notification to a user about an Issue.
Notification.Role | |
Notification.Type | |
Permission |
A user permission on a project.
PermissionType |
Enumeration for permission types.
Project |
This is a POJO Business Domain Object modelling a project.
ProjectScript |
A Beanshell script configured to be executed for a specific Project field.
Report |
This is a POJO Business Domain Object.
SystemConfiguration | |
User |
A user.
UserPreferences |
The system configuration of a User.
Version |
A Project version.
WorkflowScript |
A BeanShell script to execute on a particular event.
Class | Description |
Issue |
A project issue.
PermissionType |
Enumeration for permission types.
Class | Description |
PermissionType |
Enumeration for permission types.
Class | Description |
PermissionType |
Enumeration for permission types.
Class | Description |
Issue |
A project issue.
Project |
This is a POJO Business Domain Object modelling a project.
Report |
This is a POJO Business Domain Object.
Class | Description |
CustomField |
A custom field that can be added to an Issue.
Issue |
A project issue.
IssueField |
A CustomField with its value for an Issue.
IssueRelation |
A relation between issues.
IssueRelation.Type | |
NameValuePair |
Class provides basic storage for name values pairs.
PermissionType |
Enumeration for permission types.
Project |
This is a POJO Business Domain Object modelling a project.
ProjectScript |
A Beanshell script configured to be executed for a specific Project field.
User |
A user.
Class | Description |
Issue |
A project issue.
IssueAttachment |
A file attachment to an Issue.
ProjectScript |
A Beanshell script configured to be executed for a specific Project field.
Status |
Enumeration of Project, Component or Version statuses.
User |
A user.
Class | Description |
CustomField |
A custom field that can be added to an Issue.
Issue |
A project issue.
NameValuePair |
Class provides basic storage for name values pairs.
Class | Description |
AbstractEntity |
This is a POJO Business Domain Object.
CustomField |
A custom field that can be added to an Issue.
Issue |
A project issue.
NameValuePair |
Class provides basic storage for name values pairs.
PermissionType |
Enumeration for permission types.
Project |
This is a POJO Business Domain Object modelling a project.
SystemConfiguration | |
User |
A user.
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