Tag List Report

The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.

Tag Class Total number of occurrences Tag strings used by tag class
@todo 0 @todo

Each tag is detailed below:


Number of occurrences found in the code: 18

org.itracker.Assert Line
assume equals? 153
org.itracker.model.Configuration Line
every configuration item should have a name, similar to a Java property in a properties file. A description would be nice to have too. name + version should be the natural key. (note: we shouldn't allow 2 configuration items with the same name and version, but with different types). </p> <p/> <p> But since <code>name</code> is nullable, only the type and value can be used as natural key at the moment. This should be a temporary situation, because the value is allowed to change. </p> 117
org.itracker.model.CustomField Line
use type-safe enum CustomField.DateFormat 88
org.itracker.model.IssueActivityTypeTest Line
Remove call to depreciated code 13
org.itracker.model.IssueField Line
throw IllegalArgumentException instead of IssueException ? 259
throw IllegalArgumentException instead of IssueException ? 336
org.itracker.model.NotificationTest Line
remove method from Notification 36
org.itracker.model.Project Line
it would be a Set, not list 86
org.itracker.model.WorkflowScript Line
what's the expected type here? private Collection projectFields; 66
org.itracker.model.util.IssueUtilities Line
should be checking for UserUtilities.hasPermission(permissions, issue.getProject() .getId(), PermissionType.ISSUE_VIEW_USERS) 630
org.itracker.model.util.IssueUtilitiesIT Line
make tests using the database where appropriate (setup testdata from datasets) 18
org.itracker.model.util.UserUtilities Line
Could use an enumeration 40
must we really use this BASE64Encoder()? it seems to be not support by jrockit rt.jar hash = Base64.encodeBytes(raw); 233
org.itracker.persistence.dao.BaseHibernateDaoImplIT Line
fails currently try { dao.save(l); fail("entity is already persisted, save must throw DataAccessException"); } catch (DataAccessException dae) { // OK } 56
org.itracker.persistence.dao.IssueActivityDAO Line
rename to findByIssue() 20
org.itracker.persistence.dao.IssueDAOImplIT Line
Mock? 93
org.itracker.persistence.dao.PermissionDAOImplIT Line
fix implementation or test 31
org.itracker.persistence.dao.UserDAOImplIT Line
fails, please fix 90
