- /*
- /*
- * This software was designed and created by Jason Carroll.
- * Copyright (c) 2002, 2003, 2004 Jason Carroll.
- * The author can be reached at
- * ITracker website:
- * ITracker forums:
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it only under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- */
- package;
- import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;
- import org.apache.commons.collections.Transformer;
- import org.apache.commons.collections.functors.NotNullPredicate;
- import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
- import org.itracker.core.resources.ITrackerResources;
- import org.itracker.model.*;
- import org.itracker.model.util.CustomFieldUtilities;
- import org.itracker.model.util.IssueUtilities;
- import org.itracker.model.util.SystemConfigurationUtilities;
- import org.itracker.persistence.dao.*;
- import;
- import org.itracker.util.NamingUtilites;
- import org.slf4j.Logger;
- import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
- import javax.naming.InitialContext;
- import java.util.*;
- /**
- * Implementation of the ConfigurationService Interface.
- *
- * @see ConfigurationService
- */
- public class ConfigurationServiceImpl implements ConfigurationService {
- private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConfigurationServiceImpl.class.getName());
- private final Properties props;
- private ConfigurationDAO configurationDAO;
- private CustomFieldDAO customFieldDAO;
- private CustomFieldValueDAO customFieldValueDAO;
- private LanguageDAO languageDAO;
- private ProjectScriptDAO projectScriptDAO;
- private WorkflowScriptDAO workflowScriptDAO;
- private static final Long _START_TIME_MILLIS = System.currentTimeMillis();
- private String jndiPropertiesOverridePrefix;
- private String mailSessionLookupName;
- /**
- * Creates a new instance using the given configuration.
- *
- * @param configurationProperties itracker configuration properties
- * (see
- */
- public ConfigurationServiceImpl(Properties configurationProperties,
- ConfigurationDAO configurationDAO, CustomFieldDAO customFieldDAO,
- CustomFieldValueDAO customFieldValueDAO, LanguageDAO languageDAO,
- ProjectScriptDAO projectScriptDAO, WorkflowScriptDAO workflowScriptDAO) {
- if (configurationProperties == null) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("null configurationProperties");
- }
- this.props = configurationProperties;
- props.setProperty("start_time_millis", String.valueOf(_START_TIME_MILLIS));
- // initialize naming context prefix for properties overrides
- if (StringUtils.isEmpty(jndiPropertiesOverridePrefix)) {
- jndiPropertiesOverridePrefix = props.getProperty("jndi_override_prefix", "java:comp/env/itracker");
- }
- if (StringUtils.isEmpty(mailSessionLookupName)) {
- mailSessionLookupName = configurationProperties.getProperty("mail_session_jndi_lookup", "java:comp/env/itracker/mail/Session");
- }
- this.configurationDAO = configurationDAO;
- this.customFieldDAO = customFieldDAO;
- this.customFieldValueDAO = customFieldValueDAO;
- this.languageDAO = languageDAO;
- this.projectScriptDAO = projectScriptDAO;
- this.workflowScriptDAO = workflowScriptDAO;
- }
- public String getJndiPropertiesOverridePrefix() {
- return jndiPropertiesOverridePrefix;
- }
- public void setJndiPropertiesOverridePrefix(String jndiPropertiesOverridePrefix) {
- if (null != jndiPropertiesOverridePrefix) {
- return;
- }
- this.jndiPropertiesOverridePrefix = jndiPropertiesOverridePrefix;
- }
- public String getMailSessionLookupName() {
- return mailSessionLookupName;
- }
- public void setMailSessionLookupName(String mailSessionLookupName) {
- this.mailSessionLookupName = mailSessionLookupName;
- }
- public String getProperty(String name) {
- String value = null;
- if (null != getJndiPropertiesOverridePrefix()) {
- if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
- logger.debug("getProperty: looking up '" + name
- + "' from jndi context "
- + getJndiPropertiesOverridePrefix());
- }
- try {
- value = NamingUtilites.getStringValue(new InitialContext(),
- getJndiPropertiesOverridePrefix() + "/" + name, null);
- if (null == value) {
- if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
- logger.debug("getProperty: value not found in jndi: " + name);
- }
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logger.debug("getProperty: caught exception looking up value for " + name, e);
- }
- }
- if (null == value) {
- value = props.getProperty(name, null);
- }
- if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
- logger.debug("getProperty: returning " + value + " for name: " + name);
- }
- return value;
- }
- public String getProperty(String name, String defaultValue) {
- String val = getProperty(name);
- return (val == null) ? defaultValue : val;
- }
- private String getItrackerVersion() {
- return props.getProperty("version");
- }
- public boolean getBooleanProperty(String name, boolean defaultValue) {
- String value = getProperty(name);
- return (value == null ? defaultValue : Boolean.valueOf(value));
- }
- public int getIntegerProperty(String name, int defaultValue) {
- String value = getProperty(name);
- try {
- return (value == null) ? defaultValue : Integer.parseInt(value);
- } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
- return defaultValue;
- }
- }
- public long getLongProperty(String name, long defaultValue) {
- String value = getProperty(name);
- try {
- return (value == null) ? defaultValue : Long.parseLong(value);
- } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
- return defaultValue;
- }
- }
- public Configuration getConfigurationItem(Integer id) {
- Configuration configItem = configurationDAO.findByPrimaryKey(id);
- return configItem;
- }
- @Deprecated
- public List<Configuration> getConfigurationItemsByType(int type) {
- return getConfigurationItemsByType(Configuration.Type.valueOf(type));
- }
- public List<Configuration> getConfigurationItemsByType(Configuration.Type type) {
- List<Configuration> configItems = configurationDAO.findByType(type);
- Collections.sort(configItems, new Configuration.ConfigurationOrderComparator());
- return configItems;
- }
- @Deprecated
- public List<Configuration> getConfigurationItemsByType(int type, Locale locale) {
- return getConfigurationItemsByType(Configuration.Type.valueOf(type), locale);
- }
- public List<Configuration> getConfigurationItemsByType(Configuration.Type type, Locale locale) {
- List<Configuration> items = getConfigurationItemsByType(type);
- for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {
- if (items.get(i).getType() == Configuration.Type.status) {
- items.get(i).setName(IssueUtilities.getStatusName(items.get(i).getValue(), locale));
- } else if (items.get(i).getType() == Configuration.Type.severity) {
- items.get(i).setName(IssueUtilities.getSeverityName(items.get(i).getValue(), locale));
- } else if (items.get(i).getType() == Configuration.Type.resolution) {
- items.get(i).setName(IssueUtilities.getResolutionName(items.get(i).getValue(), locale));
- }
- }
- return items;
- }
- public Configuration createConfigurationItem(Configuration configuration) {
- Configuration configurationItem = new Configuration();
- configurationItem.setType(configuration.getType());
- configurationItem.setOrder(configuration.getOrder());
- configurationItem.setValue(configuration.getValue());
- configurationItem.setCreateDate(new Date());
- configurationItem.setVersion(getItrackerVersion());
- configurationDAO.saveOrUpdate(configurationItem);
- return configurationItem;
- }
- public Configuration updateConfigurationItem(Configuration configuration) {
- // find item by primary key
- Configuration configurationItem = configurationDAO.findByPrimaryKey(configuration.getId());
- configurationItem.setVersion(getInitializedVersionString());
- // update now
- configurationDAO.saveOrUpdate(configurationItem);
- // get model from saved item
- return configurationItem;
- }
- @Deprecated
- public List<Configuration> updateConfigurationItems(List<Configuration> configurations, Configuration.Type type) {
- List<Configuration> configurationItems = new ArrayList<Configuration>();
- for (Configuration configurationItem : configurations) {
- if (type == configurationItem.getType()) {
- // create a new item
- Configuration curConfiguration = configurationDAO.findByPrimaryKey(configurationItem.getId());
- curConfiguration.setName(configurationItem.getName());
- curConfiguration.setOrder(configurationItem.getOrder());
- curConfiguration.setType(configurationItem.getType());
- curConfiguration.setValue(configurationItem.getValue());
- curConfiguration.setVersion(getInitializedVersionString());
- // save or update
- this.configurationDAO.saveOrUpdate(curConfiguration);
- configurationItems.add(curConfiguration);
- }
- }
- // sort array
- Collections.sort(configurationItems);
- return configurationItems;
- }
- /**
- * Finds the <code>Configuration</code> by primary key <code>id<code>
- * and deletes it.
- *
- * @param id The id of the <code>COnfigurationBean</code> to remove
- */
- public void removeConfigurationItem(Integer id) {
- Configuration configBean = this.configurationDAO.findByPrimaryKey(id);
- if (configBean != null) {
- this.configurationDAO.delete(configBean);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Removes all <code>Configuration</code>s of the give <code>type</code>
- *
- * @param type the type of <code>Configuration</code> to remove
- * @deprecated
- */
- public void removeConfigurationItems(int type) {
- removeConfigurationItems(Configuration.Type.valueOf(type));
- }
- /**
- * Removes all <code>Configuration</code>s of the give <code>type</code>
- *
- * @param type the type of <code>Configuration</code> to remove
- */
- public void removeConfigurationItems(Configuration.Type type) {
- // find the configuration beans by its type
- Collection<Configuration> currentItems = configurationDAO.findByType(type);
- for (Iterator<Configuration> iter = currentItems.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
- // get current config bean
- Configuration config = (Configuration);
- // delete it
- this.configurationDAO.delete(config);
- }
- }
- public void removeConfigurationItems(Configuration configuration) {
- Collection<Configuration> currentItems = configurationDAO.findByTypeAndValue(configuration.getType(), configuration.getValue());
- for (Iterator<Configuration> iter = currentItems.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
- Configuration configItem = (Configuration);
- configurationDAO.delete(configItem);
- }
- }
- public boolean configurationItemExists(Configuration configuration) {
- if (configuration != null && configuration.getVersion() != null) {
- Collection<Configuration> configItems = configurationDAO.findByTypeAndValue(configuration.getType(), configuration.getValue());
- if (configItems != null && configItems.size() > 0) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- public String getInitializedVersionString() {
- List<Configuration> initialized = getConfigurationItemsByType(Configuration.Type.initialized);
- if (null == initialized || initialized.isEmpty()) {
- return "0";
- }
- Collections.sort(initialized, new Comparator<Configuration>() {
- public int compare(Configuration configuration, Configuration configuration1) {
- return configuration.getVersion().compareTo(configuration1.getVersion());
- }
- });
- return initialized.get(initialized.size() - 1).getVersion();
- }
- public boolean isConfigurationItemUpToDate(Configuration configuration) {
- if (null == configuration) {
- return false;
- }
- if (StringUtils.endsWith(configuration.getVersion(), "-SNAPSHOT")) {
- return false;
- }
- long currentVersion = SystemConfigurationUtilities.getVersionAsLong(getInitializedVersionString());
- if (configuration != null && configuration.getVersion() != null) {
- Collection<Configuration> configItems = configurationDAO.findByTypeAndValue(configuration.getType(), configuration.getValue());
- for (Iterator<Configuration> iter = configItems.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
- Configuration configItem = (Configuration);
- if (null != configItem) {
- currentVersion = Math.max(SystemConfigurationUtilities.getVersionAsLong(configItem.getVersion()),
- currentVersion);
- }
- }
- if (currentVersion >= SystemConfigurationUtilities.getVersionAsLong(configuration.getVersion())) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- public void resetConfigurationCache() {
- IssueUtilities.setResolutions(getConfigurationItemsByType(Configuration.Type.resolution));
- IssueUtilities.setSeverities(getConfigurationItemsByType(Configuration.Type.severity));
- IssueUtilities.setStatuses(getConfigurationItemsByType(Configuration.Type.status));
- IssueUtilities.setCustomFields(getCustomFields());
- }
- public void resetConfigurationCache(Configuration.Type type) {
- switch (type) {
- case resolution:
- IssueUtilities.setResolutions(getConfigurationItemsByType(type));
- break;
- case severity:
- IssueUtilities.setSeverities(getConfigurationItemsByType(Configuration.Type.severity));
- break;
- case status:
- IssueUtilities.setStatuses(getConfigurationItemsByType(Configuration.Type.status));
- break;
- case customfield:
- IssueUtilities.setCustomFields(getCustomFields());
- break;
- default:
- logger.warn("resetConfigurationCache: unsupported type " + type);
- }
- }
- @Deprecated
- public void resetConfigurationCache(int type) {
- logger.warn("resetConfigurationCache: called with deprecated API!");
- resetConfigurationCache(Configuration.Type.valueOf(type));
- }
- public ProjectScript getProjectScript(Integer scriptId) {
- ProjectScript projectScript = this.projectScriptDAO.findByPrimaryKey(scriptId);
- return projectScript;
- }
- public List<ProjectScript> getProjectScripts() {
- List<ProjectScript> projectScripts = this.projectScriptDAO.findAll();
- return projectScripts;
- }
- public ProjectScript createProjectScript(ProjectScript projectScript) {
- // create project script and populate data
- ProjectScript editprojectScript = new ProjectScript();
- editprojectScript.setFieldId(projectScript.getFieldId());
- editprojectScript.setFieldType(projectScript.getFieldType());
- editprojectScript.setPriority(projectScript.getPriority());
- editprojectScript.setProject(projectScript.getProject());
- editprojectScript.setScript(projectScript.getScript());
- // save entity
- return editprojectScript;
- }
- public ProjectScript updateProjectScript(ProjectScript projectScript) {
- ProjectScript editprojectScript;
- editprojectScript = projectScriptDAO.findByPrimaryKey(projectScript.getId());
- editprojectScript.setFieldId(projectScript.getFieldId());
- editprojectScript.setFieldType(projectScript.getFieldType());
- editprojectScript.setPriority(projectScript.getPriority());
- editprojectScript.setProject(projectScript.getProject());
- editprojectScript.setScript(projectScript.getScript());
- this.projectScriptDAO.saveOrUpdate(editprojectScript);
- return editprojectScript;
- }
- /**
- * remove a project script by its id
- *
- * @param projectScript_id the id of the project script to remove
- */
- public void removeProjectScript(Integer projectScript_id) {
- if (projectScript_id != null) {
- ProjectScript projectScript = this.projectScriptDAO.findByPrimaryKey(projectScript_id);
- if (projectScript != null) {
- this.projectScriptDAO.delete(projectScript);
- }
- }
- }
- public WorkflowScript getWorkflowScript(Integer id) {
- WorkflowScript workflowScript = workflowScriptDAO.findByPrimaryKey(id);
- return workflowScript;
- }
- public List<WorkflowScript> getWorkflowScripts() {
- List<WorkflowScript> workflowScripts = workflowScriptDAO.findAll();
- return workflowScripts;
- }
- /**
- * Creates a workflow script.
- *
- * @param workflowScript The <code>WorkflowScript</code> carring the data
- * @return The <code>WorkflowScript</code> after inserting
- */
- public WorkflowScript createWorkflowScript(WorkflowScript workflowScript) {
- // create workflow script and populate data
- WorkflowScript editworkflowScript = new WorkflowScript();
- editworkflowScript.setName(workflowScript.getName());
- editworkflowScript.setScript(workflowScript.getScript());
- editworkflowScript.setEvent(workflowScript.getEvent());
- editworkflowScript.setLanguage(workflowScript.getLanguage());
- // save entity
- return editworkflowScript;
- }
- public WorkflowScript updateWorkflowScript(WorkflowScript workflowScript) {
- WorkflowScript editworkflowScript;
- editworkflowScript = workflowScriptDAO.findByPrimaryKey(workflowScript.getId());
- editworkflowScript.setName(workflowScript.getName());
- editworkflowScript.setScript(workflowScript.getScript());
- editworkflowScript.setEvent(workflowScript.getEvent());
- editworkflowScript.setLanguage(workflowScript.getLanguage());
- workflowScriptDAO.saveOrUpdate(editworkflowScript);
- return editworkflowScript;
- }
- /**
- * remove a workflow script by its id
- *
- * @param workflowScript_id the id of the workflow script to remove
- */
- public void removeWorkflowScript(Integer workflowScript_id) {
- if (workflowScript_id != null) {
- WorkflowScript workflowScript = this.workflowScriptDAO.findByPrimaryKey(workflowScript_id);
- if (workflowScript != null) {
- this.workflowScriptDAO.delete(workflowScript);
- }
- }
- }
- public CustomField getCustomField(Integer id) {
- CustomField customField = customFieldDAO.findByPrimaryKey(id);
- return customField;
- }
- @Deprecated
- public List<CustomField> getCustomFields() {
- return getCustomFieldsSorted(null);
- }
- public List<CustomField> getCustomFieldsSorted(Locale locale) {
- List<CustomField> customFields = customFieldDAO.findAll();
- Collections.sort(customFields, new CustomFieldUtilities.CustomFieldByNameComparator((null == locale)
- ? ITrackerResources.getLocale(ITrackerResources.getDefaultLocale())
- : locale));
- return customFields;
- }
- /**
- * Creates a custom field
- *
- * @param customField The <code>CustomField</code> carrying the data
- * @return the <code>CustomField</code> after saving
- */
- public CustomField createCustomField(CustomField customField) {
- CustomField addcustomField = new CustomField();
- addcustomField.setDateFormat(customField.getDateFormat());
- addcustomField.setFieldType(customField.getFieldType());
- addcustomField.setOptions(customField.getOptions());
- addcustomField.setRequired(customField.isRequired());
- return addcustomField;
- }
- public CustomField updateCustomField(CustomField customField) {
- CustomField editcustomField = customFieldDAO.findByPrimaryKey(customField.getId());
- editcustomField.setDateFormat(customField.getDateFormat());
- editcustomField.setFieldType(customField.getFieldType());
- editcustomField.setOptions(customField.getOptions());
- editcustomField.setRequired(customField.isRequired());
- this.customFieldDAO.saveOrUpdate(editcustomField);
- return editcustomField;
- }
- /**
- * searches for a custom field by primary key and removes it
- *
- * @param customFieldId the primary key
- */
- public boolean removeCustomField(Integer customFieldId) {
- boolean status = true;
- boolean del_Status = true;
- CustomField customField = customFieldDAO.findByPrimaryKey(customFieldId);
- if (customField != null) {
- try {
- if (customField.getFieldType() == CustomField.Type.LIST)
- status = this.removeCustomFieldValues(customFieldId);
- String key = CustomFieldUtilities.getCustomFieldLabelKey(customField.getId());
- this.customFieldDAO.delete(customField);
- if (key != null)
- status = this.removeLanguageKey(key);
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- del_Status = false;
- }
- }
- if (!del_Status)
- status = del_Status;
- return status;
- }
- /**
- * Gets a <code>CustomFieldValue</code> by primary key
- *
- * @param id the primary key
- * @return The <code>CustomFieldValue</code> found or <code>null</code>
- */
- public CustomFieldValue getCustomFieldValue(Integer id) {
- CustomFieldValue cfvBean = (CustomFieldValue)
- this.customFieldValueDAO.findByPrimaryKey(id);
- return cfvBean;
- }
- public CustomFieldValue createCustomFieldValue(CustomFieldValue customFieldValue) {
- CustomFieldValue addcustomFieldValue = new CustomFieldValue();
- addcustomFieldValue.setCustomField(customFieldValue.getCustomField());
- addcustomFieldValue.setValue(customFieldValue.getValue());
- return addcustomFieldValue;
- }
- /**
- * Updates a <code>CustomFieldValue</code>.
- *
- * @param customFieldValue The model to update
- * @return The <code>CustomFieldValue</code> after saving
- */
- public CustomFieldValue updateCustomFieldValue(CustomFieldValue customFieldValue) {
- CustomFieldValue editcustomFieldValue = this.customFieldValueDAO.findByPrimaryKey(customFieldValue.getId());
- editcustomFieldValue.setCustomField(customFieldValue.getCustomField());
- editcustomFieldValue.setValue(customFieldValue.getValue());
- this.customFieldValueDAO.saveOrUpdate(editcustomFieldValue);
- return editcustomFieldValue;
- }
- public List<CustomFieldValue> updateCustomFieldValues(Integer customFieldId, List<CustomFieldValue> customFieldValues) {
- List<CustomFieldValue> customFieldValueItems = new ArrayList<CustomFieldValue>();
- if (customFieldId != null) {
- try {
- CustomField customField = customFieldDAO.findByPrimaryKey(customFieldId);
- if (customFieldValues != null && !customFieldValues.isEmpty()) {
- for (Iterator<CustomFieldValue> iterator = customFieldValues.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
- // create a new item
- CustomFieldValue customFieldValueItem = (CustomFieldValue);
- CustomFieldValue curCustomFieldValue = customFieldValueDAO.findByPrimaryKey(customFieldValueItem.getId());
- curCustomFieldValue.setCreateDate(customFieldValueItem.getCreateDate());
- curCustomFieldValue.setValue(customFieldValueItem.getValue());
- curCustomFieldValue.setCustomField(customFieldValueItem.getCustomField());
- curCustomFieldValue.setSortOrder(customFieldValueItem.getSortOrder());
- // save or update
- this.customFieldValueDAO.saveOrUpdate(curCustomFieldValue);
- customFieldValueItems.add(curCustomFieldValue);
- }
- customField.setOptions(customFieldValueItems);
- return customFieldValueItems;
- }
- } catch (Exception fe) {
- }
- }
- return customFieldValues;
- }
- /**
- * removes a custom field value by primary key
- *
- * @param customFieldValueId the id of the custoem field
- */
- public boolean removeCustomFieldValue(Integer customFieldValueId) {
- boolean status = true;
- boolean del_Status = true;
- // find custom field value by id
- CustomFieldValue customFieldValue = this.customFieldValueDAO.findByPrimaryKey(customFieldValueId);
- // delete it
- try {
- this.customFieldValueDAO.delete(customFieldValue);
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- del_Status = false;
- }
- if (!del_Status)
- status = del_Status;
- return status;
- }
- /**
- * Removes all field values of a given custom field
- *
- * @param customFieldId The id of the customField
- */
- public boolean removeCustomFieldValues(Integer customFieldId) {
- boolean status = true;
- boolean lp_Status = true;
- CustomField customField = this.customFieldDAO.findByPrimaryKey(customFieldId);
- // get values of the field
- List<CustomFieldValue> customFieldValues = customField.getOptions();
- for (Iterator<CustomFieldValue> iter = customFieldValues.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
- // get current
- CustomFieldValue customFieldValue = (CustomFieldValue);
- String key = CustomFieldUtilities.getCustomFieldOptionLabelKey(customFieldId, customFieldValue.getId());
- // remove from collection
- iter.remove();
- // delete from datasource
- try {
- this.customFieldValueDAO.delete(customFieldValue);
- if (key != null)
- status = this.removeLanguageKey(key);
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- lp_Status = false;
- }
- }
- if (!lp_Status)
- status = lp_Status;
- return status;
- }
- @Override
- public String getLanguageValue(String key, Locale locale) {
- return getLanguageItemByKey(key, locale).getResourceValue();
- }
- @Override
- public String getLanguageEntry(String key, Locale locale) {
- try {
- Language l = getLanguageItemByKey(key, locale);
- return l.getResourceValue();
- } catch (NoSuchEntityException e) {
- logger.debug("failed to get entry", e);
- }
- throw new MissingResourceException("Entry doesn't exist.", Language.class.getName(), key);
- }
- @Override
- public Language getLanguageItemByKey(String key, Locale locale) {
- String localeString = ITrackerResources.BASE_LOCALE;
- if (null != locale
- && !locale.equals(ITrackerResources.getLocale(ITrackerResources.BASE_LOCALE))) {
- localeString = locale.toString();
- }
- Language languageItem = languageDAO.findByKeyAndLocale(key, localeString);
- // TODO: obsolete code:
- // try {
- // languageItem = languageDAO.findByKeyAndLocale(key, ITrackerResources.BASE_LOCALE);
- // } catch (RuntimeException e) {
- // logger.debug("could not find {} with BASE", key);
- // languageItem = null;
- // }
- //
- // if (null == locale) {
- // logger.debug("locale was null, returning BASE: {}", languageItem);
- // return languageItem;
- // }
- // try {
- // languageItem = languageDAO.findByKeyAndLocale(key, locale.getLanguage());
- // } catch (RuntimeException re) {
- // logger.debug("could not find {} with language {}", key, locale.getLanguage());
- // }
- // if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(locale.getCountry())) {
- // try {
- // languageItem = languageDAO.findByKeyAndLocale(key, locale.toString());
- // } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
- // logger.debug("could not find {} with locale {}", key, locale);
- // }
- // }
- return languageItem;
- }
- public List<Language> getLanguageItemsByKey(String key) {
- List<Language> languageItems = languageDAO.findByKey(key);
- return languageItems;
- }
- public Language updateLanguageItem(Language language) {
- Language languageItem;
- try {
- languageItem = languageDAO.findByKeyAndLocale(language.getResourceKey(), language.getLocale());
- languageItem.setLocale(language.getLocale());
- languageItem.setResourceKey(language.getResourceKey());
- languageItem.setResourceValue(language.getResourceValue());
- } catch (NoSuchEntityException fe) {
- logger.debug("NoSuchEntityException: Language, now populating Language");
- languageItem = new Language();
- languageItem.setLocale(language.getLocale());
- languageItem.setResourceKey(language.getResourceKey());
- languageItem.setResourceValue(language.getResourceValue());
- }
- logger.debug("Start saveOrUpdate Language");
- languageDAO.saveOrUpdate(languageItem);
- logger.debug("Saved Language");
- return languageItem;
- }
- /**
- * Removes all <code>Language</code>s with the give key
- *
- * @param key The key to be removed
- */
- public boolean removeLanguageKey(String key) {
- boolean status = true;
- boolean lp_Status = true;
- // find all <code>Language</code>s for the given key
- List<Language> languageItems = languageDAO.findByKey(key);
- for (Iterator<Language> iter = languageItems.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
- // delete current item
- Language language = (Language);
- try {
- this.languageDAO.delete(language);
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- lp_Status = false;
- }
- }
- if (!lp_Status)
- status = lp_Status;
- return status;
- }
- /**
- * Removes the <code>Language</code> passed as parameter
- *
- * @param language The <code>Language</code> to remove
- */
- public void removeLanguageItem(Language language) {
- Language languageItem = languageDAO.findByKeyAndLocale(language.getResourceKey(), language.getLocale());
- if (languageItem != null) {
- // delete item
- this.languageDAO.delete(languageItem);
- }
- }
- public String[] getSortedKeys() {
- int i = 0;
- Collection<Language> items = languageDAO.findByLocale(ITrackerResources.BASE_LOCALE);
- String[] sortedKeys = new String[items.size()];
- for (Iterator<Language> iter = items.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); i++) {
- Language item = (Language);
- sortedKeys[i] = item.getResourceKey();
- }
- // Now sort the list of keys in a logical manner
- Arrays.sort(sortedKeys);
- return sortedKeys;
- }
- public HashMap<String, String> getDefinedKeys(String locale) {
- HashMap<String, String> keys = new HashMap<String, String>();
- if (locale == null || locale.equals("")) {
- locale = ITrackerResources.BASE_LOCALE;
- }
- Collection<Language> items = languageDAO.findByLocale(locale);
- for (Iterator<Language> iter = items.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
- Language item =;
- keys.put(item.getResourceKey(), item.getResourceValue());
- }
- return keys;
- }
- public List<NameValuePair> getDefinedKeysAsArray(String locale) {
- NameValuePair[] keys = null;
- if (locale == null || locale.equals("")) {
- locale = ITrackerResources.BASE_LOCALE;
- }
- int i = 0;
- Collection<Language> items = languageDAO.findByLocale(locale);
- keys = new NameValuePair[items.size()];
- for (Iterator<Language> iter = items.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); i++) {
- Language item = (Language);
- keys[i] = new NameValuePair(item.getResourceKey(), item.getResourceValue());
- }
- Arrays.sort(keys);
- return Arrays.asList(keys);
- }
- public int getNumberDefinedKeys(String locale) {
- return getDefinedKeys(locale).size();
- }
- private List<Language> getLanguage(Locale locale) {
- Map<String, String> language = new HashMap<String, String>();
- if (locale == null) {
- locale = new Locale("");
- }
- String localeString = (locale.toString().equals("") ? ITrackerResources.BASE_LOCALE : locale.toString());
- Collection<Language> items = languageDAO.findByLocale(localeString);
- for (Language item : items) {
- language.put(item.getResourceKey(), item.getResourceValue());
- }
- Language[] languageArray = new Language[language.size()];
- int i = 0;
- for (String key : language.keySet()) {
- languageArray[i] = new Language(localeString, key, language.get(key));
- i++;
- }
- return Arrays.asList(languageArray);
- }
- public Properties getLanguageProperties(Locale locale) {
- Properties properties = new Properties();
- List<Language> lang = getLanguage(locale);
- for (Language l : lang) {
- properties.put(l.getResourceKey(), l.getResourceValue());
- }
- return properties;
- }
- public Map<String, List<String>> getAvailableLanguages() {
- final TreeMap<String, List<String>> languages = new TreeMap<>();
- final List<Configuration> locales = getConfigurationItemsByType(Configuration.Type.locale);
- for (int i = 0; i < locales.size(); i++) {
- String baselocalestring = locales.get(i).getValue();
- if (baselocalestring.length() == 2) {
- List<String> languageList = new ArrayList<>();
- final String l = baselocalestring;
- languageList.addAll(
- CollectionUtils.collect(locales, new Transformer() {
- @Override
- public Object transform(Object input) {
- String val = ((Configuration) input).getValue();
- if (val.length() > 2 &&
- val.startsWith(l + "_")) {
- return val;
- }
- return null;
- }
- }));
- CollectionUtils.filter(languageList, NotNullPredicate.getInstance());
- languages.put(baselocalestring, languageList);
- }
- }
- return languages;
- }
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- public int getNumberAvailableLanguages() {
- int numLanguages = 0;
- Map<String, List<String>> availableLanguages = getAvailableLanguages();
- for (Iterator iter = availableLanguages.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
- List<List> languages = new ArrayList<>();
- List list = availableLanguages.get(;
- languages.add(list);
- if (languages != null && languages.size() > 0) {
- numLanguages += languages.size();
- } else {
- numLanguages += 1;
- }
- }
- return numLanguages;
- }
- public void updateLanguage(Locale locale, List<Language> items) {
- if (locale != null && items != null) {
- Configuration configItem = new Configuration(Configuration.Type.locale, locale
- .toString(), getItrackerVersion());
- updateLanguage(locale, items, configItem);
- }
- }
- public void updateLanguage(Locale locale, List<Language> items, Configuration configItem) {
- for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {
- if (items.get(i) != null) {
- updateLanguageItem(items.get(i));
- }
- }
- removeConfigurationItems(configItem);
- createConfigurationItem(configItem);
- }
- public SystemConfiguration getSystemConfiguration(Locale locale) {
- SystemConfiguration config = new SystemConfiguration();
- // Load the basic system configuration
- List<Configuration> resolutions = getConfigurationItemsByType(Configuration.Type.resolution);
- for (int i = 0; i < resolutions.size(); i++) {
- resolutions.get(i).setName(ITrackerResources.getString(SystemConfigurationUtilities
- .getLanguageKey(resolutions.get(i)), locale));
- }
- config.setResolutions(resolutions);
- List<Configuration> severities = getConfigurationItemsByType(Configuration.Type.severity);
- for (int i = 0; i < severities.size(); i++) {
- severities.get(i).setName(ITrackerResources.getString(SystemConfigurationUtilities
- .getLanguageKey(severities.get(i)), locale));
- }
- config.setSeverities(severities);
- List<Configuration> statuses = getConfigurationItemsByType(Configuration.Type.status);
- for (int i = 0; i < statuses.size(); i++) {
- statuses.get(i).setName(ITrackerResources.getString(SystemConfigurationUtilities.getLanguageKey(statuses.get(i)),
- locale));
- }
- config.setStatuses(statuses);
- List<CustomField> customFields = getCustomFields();
- config.setCustomFields(customFields);
- // Now set the system version
- config.setVersion(getItrackerVersion());
- return config;
- }
- public boolean initializeLocale(String locale, boolean forceReload) {
- boolean result = false;
- Configuration localeConfig = new Configuration(Configuration.Type.locale, locale,
- getItrackerVersion());
- if (!isConfigurationItemUpToDate(localeConfig) || forceReload) {
- logger.debug("Loading database with locale " + locale);
- removeConfigurationItems(localeConfig);
- //
- createConfigurationItem(localeConfig);
- //
- ITrackerResources.clearBundle(ITrackerResources.getLocale(locale));
- result = true;
- }
- return result;
- }
- public void initializeConfiguration() {
- // TODO when current version is outdated?
- long current = SystemConfigurationUtilities.getVersionAsLong(getItrackerVersion());
- long initialized = SystemConfigurationUtilities.getVersionAsLong(getInitializedVersionString());
- if (0 == initialized) {
-"System does not appear to be initialized, initializing system configuration.");
- ResourceBundle baseLanguage = ITrackerResources.getBundle(ITrackerResources.getLocale(ITrackerResources.BASE_LOCALE));
- getLanguage(ITrackerResources.getLocale(ITrackerResources.BASE_LOCALE));
- if (baseLanguage == null) {
- throw new IllegalStateException(
- "Languages must be initialized before the system configuration can be loaded.");
- }
- // Remove any previous configuration information, possibly left
- // over from previous failed initialization
- logger.debug("Removing previous incomplete initialization information.");
- removeConfigurationItems(Configuration.Type.status);
- removeConfigurationItems(Configuration.Type.severity);
- removeConfigurationItems(Configuration.Type.resolution);
- Set<String> keys = baseLanguage.keySet();
- for (final String key : keys) {
- if (key.startsWith(ITrackerResources.KEY_BASE_RESOLUTION)) {
- try {
- String resolutionString = key.substring(20);
- if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
- logger.debug("Adding new configuration resolution value: " + resolutionString);
- }
- int resolutionNumber = Integer.parseInt(resolutionString);
- createConfigurationItem(new Configuration(
- Configuration.Type.resolution, resolutionString, getItrackerVersion(),
- resolutionNumber));
- } catch (RuntimeException e) {
- logger.error("Unable to load resolution value: " + key, e);
- throw e;
- }
- }
- if (key.startsWith(ITrackerResources.KEY_BASE_SEVERITY)) {
- try {
- String severityString = key.substring(18);
- logger.debug("Adding new configuration severity value: " + severityString);
- int severityNumber = Integer.parseInt(severityString);
- createConfigurationItem(new Configuration(Configuration.Type.severity,
- severityString, getItrackerVersion(), severityNumber));
- } catch (RuntimeException e) {
- logger.error("Unable to load severity value: " + key, e);
- throw e;
- }
- }
- if (key.startsWith(ITrackerResources.KEY_BASE_STATUS)) {
- try {
- String statusString = key.substring(16);
- logger.debug("Adding new configuration status value: " + statusString);
- int statusNumber = Integer.parseInt(statusString);
- createConfigurationItem(new Configuration(Configuration.Type.status,
- statusString, getItrackerVersion(), statusNumber));
- } catch (RuntimeException e) {
- logger.error("Unable to load status value: " + key, e);
- throw e;
- }
- }
- }
- createConfigurationItem(new Configuration(Configuration.Type.initialized, "1",
- getItrackerVersion()));
- }
- }
- public LanguageDAO getLanguageDAO() {
- return languageDAO;
- }
- public ConfigurationDAO getConfigurationDAO() {
- return configurationDAO;
- }
- public CustomFieldDAO getCustomFieldDAO() {
- return customFieldDAO;
- }
- public CustomFieldValueDAO getCustomFieldValueDAO() {
- return customFieldValueDAO;
- }
- public WorkflowScriptDAO getWorkflowScriptDAO() {
- return workflowScriptDAO;
- }
- public String getSystemBaseURL() {
- return getProperty(PNAME_SYSTEM_BASE_URL);
- }
- /**
- * This method will attempt to load all of the locales defined in the
- * file, and add them to the database if they don't
- * already exist.
- *
- * @param forceReload if true, it will reload the languages from the property files
- * even if they are listed as being up to date
- */
- public void initializeAllLanguages(boolean forceReload) {
- Set<String> definedLocales = new LinkedHashSet<>();
- initializeLocale(ITrackerResources.BASE_LOCALE,
- forceReload);
- String definedLocalesString;
- try {
- definedLocalesString =
- getProperty("available_locales", ITrackerResources.getDefaultLocale());
- } catch (RuntimeException e) {
- definedLocalesString = ITrackerResources.getString(ITrackerResources.getDefaultLocale());
- }
- if (definedLocalesString != null) {
- StringTokenizer token = new StringTokenizer(definedLocalesString, ",");
- while (token.hasMoreTokens()) {
- String locale = StringUtils.trim(token.nextToken());
- if (locale.length() == 5 && locale.indexOf('_') == 2) {
- definedLocales.add(locale.substring(0, 2));
- }
- definedLocales.add(locale);
- }
- }
- // // apply configuration locales
- // for (Configuration c: getConfigurationItemsByType(Configuration.Type.locale)) {
- // if (!definedLocales.contains(c.getValue())) {
- //"removing language configuration from database: {}, not in: {}", c, definedLocales);
- // removeConfigurationItems(c);
- // }
- // }
- for (String locale : definedLocales) {
- initializeLocale(locale, forceReload);
- }
- }
- }