Tag List Report

The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.

Tag Class Total number of occurrences Tag strings used by tag class
@todo 0 @todo

Each tag is detailed below:


Number of occurrences found in the code: 29

org.itracker.core.resources.ItrackerResourcesIT Line
set languageDAO of ConfigurationService 200
org.itracker.services.IssueService Line
Add Javadocs here: document this whole class.describe what is the use for this method. 133
shall we deprecate this one? why do we need to give it a userId? 173
org.itracker.services.IssueServiceIT Line
test function for unavailable projects 161
test function for unavailable projects 188
test getUnassignedIssues(true) 230
please somebody do tests on populate (multiple?) custom fields on an issue Test method for {@link org.itracker.services.IssueService#setIssueFields(java.lang.Integer, java.util.List)} . 483
org.itracker.services.NotificationService Line
whats its use? <p/> Moved from {@link IssueService}, could not find out the purpose of this method. What will happen with this added {@link Notification}? 105
org.itracker.services.NotificationServiceIT Line
should be different owner and creator, projectowners 108
org.itracker.services.ProjectServiceImplIT Line
--No comment-- 357
--No comment-- 364
org.itracker.services.authentication.AbstractPluggableAuthenticator Line
Rewrite Javadocs here: we don't have session beans or EJBs anymore 28
org.itracker.services.authentication.adsson.GetUserModelFromADPrivilegedAction Line
Add Javadocs here 18
org.itracker.services.authentication.adsson.WindowsSSONAuthenticator Line
get user from jcifs 54
org.itracker.services.implementations.ConfigurationServiceImpl Line
obsolete code: try { languageItem = languageDAO.findByKeyAndLocale(key, ITrackerResources.BASE_LOCALE); } catch (RuntimeException e) { logger.debug("could not find {} with BASE", key); languageItem = null; } 783
when current version is outdated? 1134
org.itracker.services.implementations.IssueServiceImpl Line
Cleanup this file, go through all issues, todos, etc. 40
move to {@link NotificationService} 142
maybe it has no use at all. is it obsolete? when I'd set the issue-fields on an issue and then save/update issue, would it be good enough? 528
There is no relation saved to database yet? 780
translate activity for adding attachments IssueActivity activityAdd = new IssueActivity(issue, attachment.getUser(), IssueActivityType.ATTACHMENT_ADDED); activityAdd.setDescription(attachment.getOriginalFileName()); issue.getActivities().add(activityAdd); 1169
move to {@link NotificationService} ? 1327
org.itracker.services.implementations.ProjectServiceImpl Line
Cleanup this file, go through all issues, todos, etc. 31
Add Javadocs here: document this whole class. 32
implement Locale-aware ProjectFields. 210
Decide if this code is really needed and document for what 315
org.itracker.services.implementations.UserServiceImpl Line
use a factory to hide this. 702
don't swallow exceptions!! MUST be propagated to the caller!! 722
org.itracker.services.util.NamingUtilitiesIT Line
Add Javadocs here: what is the purpose of this class? 16
