Tag List Report
The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.
Tag Class | Total number of occurrences | Tag strings used by tag class |
@todo | 0 | @todo |
TODO | 29 | TODO |
Each tag is detailed below:
Number of occurrences found in the code: 29
org.itracker.core.resources.ItrackerResourcesIT | Line |
set languageDAO of ConfigurationService | 200 |
org.itracker.services.IssueService | Line |
Add Javadocs here: document this whole class.describe what is the use for this method. | 133 |
shall we deprecate this one? why do we need to give it a userId? | 173 |
org.itracker.services.IssueServiceIT | Line |
test function for unavailable projects | 161 |
test function for unavailable projects | 188 |
test getUnassignedIssues(true) | 230 |
please somebody do tests on populate (multiple?) custom fields on an issue Test method for {@link org.itracker.services.IssueService#setIssueFields(java.lang.Integer, java.util.List)} . | 483 |
org.itracker.services.NotificationService | Line |
whats its use? <p/> Moved from {@link IssueService}, could not find out the purpose of this method. What will happen with this added {@link Notification}? | 105 |
org.itracker.services.NotificationServiceIT | Line |
should be different owner and creator, projectowners | 108 |
org.itracker.services.ProjectServiceImplIT | Line |
--No comment-- | 357 |
--No comment-- | 364 |
org.itracker.services.authentication.AbstractPluggableAuthenticator | Line |
Rewrite Javadocs here: we don't have session beans or EJBs anymore | 28 |
org.itracker.services.authentication.adsson.GetUserModelFromADPrivilegedAction | Line |
Add Javadocs here | 18 |
org.itracker.services.authentication.adsson.WindowsSSONAuthenticator | Line |
get user from jcifs | 54 |
org.itracker.services.implementations.ConfigurationServiceImpl | Line |
obsolete code: try { languageItem = languageDAO.findByKeyAndLocale(key, ITrackerResources.BASE_LOCALE); } catch (RuntimeException e) { logger.debug("could not find {} with BASE", key); languageItem = null; } | 783 |
when current version is outdated? | 1134 |
org.itracker.services.implementations.IssueServiceImpl | Line |
Cleanup this file, go through all issues, todos, etc. | 40 |
move to {@link NotificationService} | 142 |
maybe it has no use at all. is it obsolete? when I'd set the issue-fields on an issue and then save/update issue, would it be good enough? | 528 |
There is no relation saved to database yet? | 780 |
translate activity for adding attachments IssueActivity activityAdd = new IssueActivity(issue, attachment.getUser(), IssueActivityType.ATTACHMENT_ADDED); activityAdd.setDescription(attachment.getOriginalFileName()); issue.getActivities().add(activityAdd); | 1169 |
move to {@link NotificationService} ? | 1327 |
org.itracker.services.implementations.ProjectServiceImpl | Line |
Cleanup this file, go through all issues, todos, etc. | 31 |
Add Javadocs here: document this whole class. | 32 |
implement Locale-aware ProjectFields. | 210 |
Decide if this code is really needed and document for what | 315 |
org.itracker.services.implementations.UserServiceImpl | Line |
use a factory to hide this. | 702 |
don't swallow exceptions!! MUST be propagated to the caller!! | 722 |
org.itracker.services.util.NamingUtilitiesIT | Line |
Add Javadocs here: what is the purpose of this class? | 16 |