* This software was designed and created by Jason Carroll.
* Copyright (c) 2002, 2003, 2004 Jason Carroll.
* The author can be reached at
* ITracker website:
* ITracker forums:
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it only under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
package org.itracker.model.util;
import org.itracker.PasswordException;
import org.itracker.core.AuthenticationConstants;
import org.itracker.core.resources.ITrackerResources;
import org.itracker.model.*;
import org.itracker.util.Base64Coder;
import java.util.*;
public class UserUtilities implements AuthenticationConstants {
protected static final char[] alphabet = new char[]{'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'm', 'n', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'};
public static final int STATUS_DELETED = -1;
public static final int STATUS_ACTIVE = 1;
public static final int STATUS_LOCKED = 2;
// TODO: Could use an enumeration
* User Admin Permission. Currently this is equivalent to super user, since the permission can't be granted, and is only available to an admin.
public static final int PERMISSION_USER_ADMIN = PermissionType.USER_ADMIN.getCode();
* Product Admin Permission
public static final int PERMISSION_PRODUCT_ADMIN = PermissionType.PRODUCT_ADMIN.getCode();
* Issue Create Permission
public static final int PERMISSION_CREATE = PermissionType.ISSUE_CREATE.getCode();
* Issue Edit Permission. Users with this permission can edit any issue in the project.
public static final int PERMISSION_EDIT = PermissionType.ISSUE_EDIT_ALL.getCode();
* Issue Close Permission. Users with this permission can close issues in the project.
public static final int PERMISSION_CLOSE = PermissionType.ISSUE_CLOSE.getCode();
* Issue Assign to Self Permission. Users with this permission can assign issues to themselves.
public static final int PERMISSION_ASSIGN_SELF = PermissionType.ISSUE_ASSIGN_SELF.getCode();
* Issue Assign to Others Permissions. Users with this permission can assign issues to anyone, given than those users have the ability to recieve the assignment.
public static final int PERMISSION_ASSIGN_OTHERS = PermissionType.ISSUE_ASSIGN_OTHERS.getCode();
* View All Issues Permission. Users can view all issues in the project.
public static final int PERMISSION_VIEW_ALL = PermissionType.ISSUE_VIEW_ALL.getCode();
* View Users Issues Permission. Users can view thier own issues. This includes ones they are the creator or owner of.
public static final int PERMISSION_VIEW_USERS = PermissionType.ISSUE_VIEW_USERS.getCode();
* Edit Users Issues Permission. Users with this permission can edit any issue they created or own.
* They are limited to editing the description, adding history entries, and adding attachments.
public static final int PERMISSION_EDIT_USERS = PermissionType.ISSUE_EDIT_USERS.getCode();
* Issue Unassign Self Permission. Users with this permission can unassign issues they own.
public static final int PERMISSION_UNASSIGN_SELF = PermissionType.ISSUE_UNASSIGN_SELF.getCode();
* Issue Assignable. Users with this permission can be assigned any issue in the system. To determine if a user can
* be assigned an issue, it will be a combination of users with EDIT_ALL, users with EDIT_USERS if they are the creator,
* and users with this permission and EDIT_USERS.
public static final int PERMISSION_ASSIGNABLE = PermissionType.ISSUE_ASSIGNABLE.getCode();
* Create for Others. Users with this permission are allowed to create issues on behalf of other users. The system
* will treat the issue as if the other user had created it. The actual creator will be logged in the audit log.
public static final int PERMISSION_CREATE_OTHERS = PermissionType.ISSUE_CREATE_OTHERS.getCode();
* Full edit permission. This defines what levelof editing a user has for an issue. Without this permission, users will
* be limited to editing only the description, attachments, custom fields, and history of an issue.
public static final int PERMISSION_EDIT_FULL = PermissionType.ISSUE_EDIT_FULL.getCode();
private static final Integer[] ALL_PERMISSIONS = new Integer[]{
public static final Set<Integer> ALL_PERMISSIONS_SET = Collections.unmodifiableSet(getAllPermissionsSet());
private static final Set<Integer> getAllPermissionsSet() {
return new HashSet<Integer>(Arrays.asList(ALL_PERMISSIONS));
public static final int REGISTRATION_TYPE_ADMIN = 1;
public static final int REGISTRATION_TYPE_SELF = 2;
public static final int REGISTRATION_TYPE_IMPORT = 3;
public static final int PREF_HIDE_ASSIGNED = 1;
public static final int PREF_HIDE_UNASSIGNED = 2;
public static final int PREF_HIDE_CREATED = 4;
public static final int PREF_HIDE_WATCHED = 8;
public UserUtilities() {
public static String getStatusName(int value) {
return getStatusName(value, ITrackerResources.getLocale());
public static String getStatusName(int value, Locale locale) {
return ITrackerResources.getString(ITrackerResources.KEY_BASE_USER_STATUS + value, locale);
public static HashMap<String, String> getStatusNames() {
return getStatusNames(ITrackerResources.getLocale());
public static HashMap<String, String> getStatusNames(Locale locale) {
HashMap<String, String> statuses = new HashMap<String, String>();
statuses.put(Integer.toString(STATUS_DELETED), getStatusName(STATUS_DELETED, locale));
statuses.put(Integer.toString(STATUS_ACTIVE), getStatusName(STATUS_ACTIVE, locale));
statuses.put(Integer.toString(STATUS_LOCKED), getStatusName(STATUS_LOCKED, locale));
return statuses;
public static String getPermissionName(int value) {
return getPermissionName(value, ITrackerResources.getLocale());
public static String getPermissionName(int value, Locale locale) {
return ITrackerResources.getString(ITrackerResources.KEY_BASE_PERMISSION + value, locale);
public static List<NameValuePair> getPermissionNames() {
return getPermissionNames(ITrackerResources.getLocale());
public static List<NameValuePair> getPermissionNames(Locale locale) {
List<NameValuePair> permissions = new ArrayList<>();
permissions.add(0, new NameValuePair(getPermissionName(PERMISSION_CREATE, locale), Integer.toString(PERMISSION_CREATE)));
permissions.add(1, new NameValuePair(getPermissionName(PERMISSION_CREATE_OTHERS, locale), Integer.toString(PERMISSION_CREATE_OTHERS)));
permissions.add(2, new NameValuePair(getPermissionName(PERMISSION_EDIT, locale), Integer.toString(PERMISSION_EDIT)));
permissions.add(3, new NameValuePair(getPermissionName(PERMISSION_EDIT_USERS, locale), Integer.toString(PERMISSION_EDIT_USERS)));
permissions.add(4, new NameValuePair(getPermissionName(PERMISSION_EDIT_FULL, locale), Integer.toString(PERMISSION_EDIT_FULL)));
permissions.add(5, new NameValuePair(getPermissionName(PERMISSION_CLOSE, locale), Integer.toString(PERMISSION_CLOSE)));
permissions.add(6, new NameValuePair(getPermissionName(PERMISSION_ASSIGNABLE, locale), Integer.toString(PERMISSION_ASSIGNABLE)));
permissions.add(7, new NameValuePair(getPermissionName(PERMISSION_ASSIGN_SELF, locale), Integer.toString(PERMISSION_ASSIGN_SELF)));
permissions.add(8, new NameValuePair(getPermissionName(PERMISSION_UNASSIGN_SELF, locale), Integer.toString(PERMISSION_UNASSIGN_SELF)));
permissions.add(9, new NameValuePair(getPermissionName(PERMISSION_ASSIGN_OTHERS, locale), Integer.toString(PERMISSION_ASSIGN_OTHERS)));
permissions.add(10, new NameValuePair(getPermissionName(PERMISSION_VIEW_ALL, locale), Integer.toString(PERMISSION_VIEW_ALL)));
permissions.add(11, new NameValuePair(getPermissionName(PERMISSION_VIEW_USERS, locale), Integer.toString(PERMISSION_VIEW_USERS)));
permissions.add(12, new NameValuePair(getPermissionName(PERMISSION_PRODUCT_ADMIN, locale), Integer.toString(PERMISSION_PRODUCT_ADMIN)));
return permissions;
public static List<NameValuePair> getPermissionTypeNames(Locale locale) {
List<NameValuePair> permissions = new ArrayList<>();
permissions.add(0, new NameValuePair(getPermissionName(PERMISSION_CREATE, locale), PermissionType.valueOf(PERMISSION_CREATE).name()));
permissions.add(1, new NameValuePair(getPermissionName(PERMISSION_CREATE_OTHERS, locale), PermissionType.valueOf(PERMISSION_CREATE_OTHERS).name()));
permissions.add(2, new NameValuePair(getPermissionName(PERMISSION_EDIT, locale), PermissionType.valueOf(PERMISSION_EDIT).name()));
permissions.add(3, new NameValuePair(getPermissionName(PERMISSION_EDIT_USERS, locale), PermissionType.valueOf(PERMISSION_EDIT_USERS).name()));
permissions.add(4, new NameValuePair(getPermissionName(PERMISSION_EDIT_FULL, locale), PermissionType.valueOf(PERMISSION_EDIT_FULL).name()));
permissions.add(5, new NameValuePair(getPermissionName(PERMISSION_CLOSE, locale), PermissionType.valueOf(PERMISSION_CLOSE).name()));
permissions.add(6, new NameValuePair(getPermissionName(PERMISSION_ASSIGNABLE, locale), PermissionType.valueOf(PERMISSION_ASSIGNABLE).name()));
permissions.add(7, new NameValuePair(getPermissionName(PERMISSION_ASSIGN_SELF, locale), PermissionType.valueOf(PERMISSION_ASSIGN_SELF).name()));
permissions.add(8, new NameValuePair(getPermissionName(PERMISSION_UNASSIGN_SELF, locale), PermissionType.valueOf(PERMISSION_UNASSIGN_SELF).name()));
permissions.add(9, new NameValuePair(getPermissionName(PERMISSION_ASSIGN_OTHERS, locale), PermissionType.valueOf(PERMISSION_ASSIGN_OTHERS).name()));
permissions.add(10, new NameValuePair(getPermissionName(PERMISSION_VIEW_ALL, locale), PermissionType.valueOf(PERMISSION_VIEW_ALL).name()));
permissions.add(11, new NameValuePair(getPermissionName(PERMISSION_VIEW_USERS, locale), PermissionType.valueOf(PERMISSION_VIEW_USERS).name()));
permissions.add(12, new NameValuePair(getPermissionName(PERMISSION_PRODUCT_ADMIN, locale), PermissionType.valueOf(PERMISSION_PRODUCT_ADMIN).name()));
return permissions;
* Genrates a new random password. The password that is returned is in plain text.
* @return a new randon plaintext password
public static String generatePassword() throws PasswordException {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
Random rand = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
buf.append((rand.nextInt(2) == 0 ? Character.toUpperCase(alphabet[rand.nextInt(34)]) : alphabet[rand.nextInt(34)]));
return buf.toString();
* Returns an encrypted (digest) password from a plain text password.
* @param password the plain text password to encrypt.
* @return the encrypted password
public static String encryptPassword(String password) throws PasswordException {
String hash = null;
if (password != null && !password.equals("")) {
try {
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA");
byte raw[] = md.digest();
// TODO: must we really use this BASE64Encoder()? it seems to be not support by jrockit rt.jar
// hash = Base64.encodeBytes(raw);
hash = String.valueOf(Base64Coder.encode(raw));
// hash = (new BASE64Encoder()).encode(raw);
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae) {
throw new PasswordException(PasswordException.SYSTEM_ERROR);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
throw new PasswordException(PasswordException.SYSTEM_ERROR);
return hash;
* Checks to see if the user is a super user.
* @param permissionsMap map of user permissions by project Id
* @return true is the user is a super user
public static boolean isSuperUser(Map<Integer, Set<PermissionType>> permissionsMap) {
if (permissionsMap == null) {
return false;
// Super user has access to all projects, which is indicated by null.
final Set<PermissionType> permissionTypes = permissionsMap.get(null);
return (permissionTypes != null) && permissionTypes.contains(PermissionType.USER_ADMIN);
public static boolean hasPermission(Map<Integer, Set<PermissionType>> permissionsMap, int permissionNeeded) {
return hasPermission(permissionsMap, PermissionType.valueOf(permissionNeeded));
* Returns true if the user has the required permission in any project.
* @param permissionsMap a Map of the user's permissions by project ID
* @param permissionNeeded the permission to check for
public static boolean hasPermission(Map<Integer, Set<PermissionType>> permissionsMap, PermissionType permissionNeeded) {
if (permissionsMap == null) {
return false;
if (isSuperUser(permissionsMap)) {
return true;
// Set of project Ids for which the user has permissions.
Set<Integer> keySet = permissionsMap.keySet();
for (Iterator<Integer> iterator = keySet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
Integer projectId =;
if (hasPermission(permissionsMap, projectId, permissionNeeded)) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns true if the user has any of required permissions in any project.
* @param permissionsMap a HashMap of the user's permissions
* @param permissionsNeeded a list of permissions that can fulfill the permission check
public static boolean hasPermission(Map<Integer, Set<PermissionType>> permissionsMap, PermissionType[] permissionsNeeded) {
if (permissionsMap == null) {
return false;
if (isSuperUser(permissionsMap)) {
return true;
Set<Integer> keySet = permissionsMap.keySet();
for (Iterator<Integer> iterator = keySet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
Integer projectId =;
if (hasPermission(permissionsMap, projectId, permissionsNeeded)) {
return true;
return false;
public static boolean hasPermission(Map<Integer, Set<PermissionType>> permissionsMap, Integer projectId, int permissionNeeded) {
return hasPermission(permissionsMap, projectId, PermissionType.valueOf(permissionNeeded));
* Returns true if the user has the required permission for the given project.
* @param permissionsMap a HashMap of the user's permissions
* @param projectId the project that the permission is required for
* @param permissionNeeded the permission to check for
public static boolean hasPermission(Map<Integer, Set<PermissionType>> permissionsMap, Integer projectId, PermissionType permissionNeeded) {
if (permissionsMap == null) {
return false;
if (isSuperUser(permissionsMap)) {
return true;
final Set<PermissionType> permissionTypes = permissionsMap.get(projectId);
if ((permissionTypes != null) && permissionTypes.contains(permissionNeeded)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Returns true if the user has any of required permissions for the given project.
* @param permissionsMap a HashMap of the user's permissions
* @param projectId the project that the permission is required for
* @param permissionsNeeded a list of permissions that can fulfill the permission check
public static boolean hasPermission(Map<Integer, Set<PermissionType>> permissionsMap, Integer projectId, PermissionType[] permissionsNeeded) {
if (permissionsMap == null) {
return false;
if (isSuperUser(permissionsMap)) {
return true;
final Set<PermissionType> permissionTypes = permissionsMap.get(projectId);
if (permissionTypes != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < permissionsNeeded.length; i++) {
if (permissionTypes.contains(permissionsNeeded[i])) {
return true;
return false;
public static String getInitial(String name) {
return (name != null && name.length() > 0 ? name.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + "." : "");
public static Permission[] createPermissionArray(User user, Project project, int[] permissions) {
Permission[] permissionsArray = new Permission[0];
List<Permission> permissionsList = new ArrayList<Permission>();
if (user.isSuperUser()) {
permissionsList.add(new Permission(PermissionType.valueOf(-1), user, (Project) null));
for (int i = 0; i < permissions.length; i++) {
permissionsList.add(new Permission(PermissionType.valueOf(permissions[i]), user, project));
permissionsArray = new Permission[permissionsList.size()];
permissionsArray = permissionsList.toArray(new Permission[]{});
return permissionsArray;
* Maps sets of permission types by project ID.
public static Map<Integer, Set<PermissionType>> mapPermissionTypesByProjectId(
List<Permission> permissionsList) {
final Map<Integer, Set<PermissionType>> permissionsByProjectId =
new HashMap<Integer, Set<PermissionType>>();
for (int i = 0; i < permissionsList.size(); i++) {
Permission permission = permissionsList.get(i);
// Super user has access to all projects, which is indicated by the "null" project.
final Integer projectId = (permission.getProject() == null)
? null : permission.getProject().getId();
Set<PermissionType> projectPermissions = permissionsByProjectId.get(projectId);
if (projectPermissions == null) {
// First permission for the project.
projectPermissions = new HashSet<PermissionType>();
permissionsByProjectId.put(projectId, projectPermissions);
} //else { // Add the permission to the existing set of permissions for the project. }
PermissionType permissionType = permission.getPermissionType();
return permissionsByProjectId;
* Returns whether the user is currently hiding a particular section on the myItracker page.
* @param section the section to check if it is hidden
* @param sections an integer of all sections the user is hiding
* @return true if the current section is hidden
public static boolean hideIndexSection(int section, int sections) {
return ((section & sections) == section);
public static Integer[] getHiddenIndexSections(int sections) {
List<Integer> sectionsList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
if (hideIndexSection(PREF_HIDE_ASSIGNED, sections)) {
if (hideIndexSection(PREF_HIDE_UNASSIGNED, sections)) {
if (hideIndexSection(PREF_HIDE_CREATED, sections)) {
if (hideIndexSection(PREF_HIDE_WATCHED, sections)) {
Integer[] sectionsArray = new Integer[sectionsList.size()];
return sectionsArray;