1.0 LICENSE: ------------ ITracker is Copyright(c) 2002, 2003, 2004 by Jason Carroll. You can reach the author at jcarroll@cowsultants.com. Any modification or distribution of the program does not release the user from this copyright without express permission of the author. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. A copy of the GPL is available in the docs/license directory of this download. Please don't remove any of the copyright notices from the code or pages. If you have concerns about the license or copyright, please contact me at jcarroll@cowsultants.com to see if some other arrangements can be made. Also I would greatly appreciate any and all comments, suggestions, requests, and contributions. Please post any feedback to the ITracker forums at http://www.cowsultants.com/phpBB/index.php Also if possible, please post how and where you are using ITracker and your server configuration. 2.0 DOWNLOADING ITRACKER: ------------------------- 2.1 EXPRESS RELEASE: --------------------- Starting with ITracker 2.4.0, a release is available that bundles ITracker with a preconfigured version of JBoss. It is the same as the binary release with the API, but includes a recent version of JBoss configured to use HSQL as the database. This release is just the Express Install described in section 8.1 of these instructions done for you. You will need to download and install seperately a full JDK installation (1.4.x recommended) before installing and running this release. To have full functionality, you may also need to perform Application configuration after the installation as described in section 8.2. To start the application, you need to install the JDK, and set your JAVA_HOME environment variable. Then edit the itrackerApplication properties file in jboss-3.2.5\server\default\conf to fit your installation. Then cd to the jboss-3.2.5\bin directory and start the server. If you are running the server on a unix/linux machine, you may need to modify the run.sh script to support the charts in the reports. The script has been changed to support the headless=true attribute so X is not required. However this will only work if the JVM you are using is 1.4 or greater. For a 1.3 jvm, you will need to either start X, or install something like pja to handle the AWT calls. You can find more information on the forums about pja. 2.2 BINARY RELEASES: -------------------- ITracker is available in two forms as a binary release. You only need ONE of these versions depending on how you want to use ITracker. The one marked as noaxis does not include the axis war for running the ITracker web services API. If you don't want to run the web services api, already have axis or want to use a web services plaform built into your application server, this may be an option for you. The other download is marked as containing axis which includes the axis war preconfigured for ITracker. Further information on using the API can be found in section 8.3 of this document. 2.3 SOURCE RELEASE: ------------------- You can also download ITracker as a source release. This version contains all of the ITracker source code, the needed libraries, and the axis war but you have the option of creating an ear with or without axis. 3.0 REQUIREMENTS: ----------------- o Java SDK 1.3+ with some additional libraries (see default.properties) o J2EE 2.0 Application server (and web container) o Relational database set up for use with your J2EE application server NOTE IF YOU WANT TO USE A NON ENGLISH LOCALE, YOUR DATABASE MUST SUPPORT UTF-8 ENCODING. THIS MEANS MYSQL PRIOR TO 4.1.1 WILL NOT WORK. o log4j 1.2.6+ : This is used for all application logging. This must be installed into your web and ejb application servers. A copy of the jar file is included in the lib directory. o Axis 1.1 if you wish to use the web services API (supplied in some versions) 4.0 ASSOCIATED SOFTWARE: ------------------------ ITracker's dynamic charts and reports capability makes use of the JFree software (JFreeChart and JFreeReport) and JasperReports, that is separately licensed under the LGPL. The libraries are included in the ITracker downloads but the full source code is available for download at http://www.jfree.org. The text of the LGPL license is available in the docs/license directory. 5.0 TESTED ON: -------------- Version 2.4.x: o JBoss3.2.4 with MySQL o JBoss3.2.5 with MySQL Version 2.3.x: o JBoss3.2.2 with PostgreSQL and MySQL Due to changes in made in ITracker 1.7.1, only JBoss 3.0.3+ is now supported. See the changelog for more details. MySQL will still be supported for english installations, but MySQL versions prior to 4.1.1 will not work with other locales due to it's lack of UTF-8 support. If you want to support non English locales, you should use MySQL 4.1.1 or switch to another compliant database such as postgres. Version 2.2.x: o JBoss3.0.7 with MySQL (embedded Jetty) (Note due to changes in 1.7.1, only JBoss 3.0.3+ is now supported. See changelog for more details) Version 2.1.x: o JBoss3.0.7 with MySQL (embedded Jetty) (Note due to changes in 1.7.1, only JBoss 3.0.3+ is now supported. See changelog for more details) Version 2.0.x: o JBoss3.0.7 with MySQL (embedded Jetty) (Note due to changes in 1.7.1, only JBoss 3.0.3+ is now supported. See changelog for more details) Version 1.7.x: o JBoss3.0.7 with MySQL (embedded Jetty) (Note due to changes in 1.7.1, only JBoss 3.0.3+ is now supported. See changelog for more details) Version 1.6.x: o JBoss3.0.x with MySQL (embedded Jetty) Version 1.5.x: o JBoss3.0.x with MySQL (embedded Jetty) Version 1.4.x: o JBoss3.0.0 with MySQL (embedded Jetty) o WebLogic 6.1sp3 with MySQL Version 1.3.0: o JBoss3.0.0 with MySQL (embedded Jetty) o WebLogic 6.1sp3 with MySQL Version 1.2.2: o JBoss3.0 with MySQL (embedded Jetty) Version 1.0.1: o JBoss3.0 with MySQL (embedded Jetty) o WebLogic 6.1 with Oracle 8i 6.0 UPGRADING INSTRUCTIONS: --------------------------- Before starting any upgrade, it is highly recommended that you make a backup of your database and the attachments directory (in versions prior to 2.3.1). From 2.3.3: ORACLE ONLY: The BLOB datatypes do not work correctly with CMP, so they were converted to use LONG RAW instead. If you have BLOB data types for the file_data columns in the issueattachmentbean and reportbean tables, you will need to convert them to use LONG RAW. From 2.3.2: A new column, report_type, was added to the reportbean table. This column should be created and set to 1 for all current reports. Permissions were slightly changed. Any users that previously had Edit All permission, should be given Full Edit permission. If this permission isn't given, then those users wil not be able to edit all of the details of an issue. From 2.3.1: The reportbean table was changed. The column xml was removed, and a new column file_data was added. If you had reports that were created in 2.3.0, you should copy the data from the xml field and place it in the file_data field. You can either do this manually, or save the data to a file and then edit the report online and use the new file. The issueactivitybean table was modified. A new column notification_sent was added. This column should be added, and initialized to 1 for all rows. Follow Instructions for 2.3.2. From 2.3.0: A new table project_field_rel was added. This table needs to be created. To populate the table, the easiest thing to do is to edit all of your projects online, and reassociate the custom fields with the project. A new column file_data was added to the table issueattachmentbean. This column needs to be added to the table. This new column is now used to store the attachment file contents instead of using file storage on the web server. The data from your existing attachments will automatically be loaded into the database when the system is first started. After the attachments have been moved and you have verified that they were loaded correctly, you should remove all the files from the attachment directory so they will not be reprocessed the next time the system is started. The bit_value field in the customfieldbean table is no longer used. The custom_fields field in the projectbean table is no longer used. Follow Instructions for 2.3.1. From 2.2.x: NOTE: ITracker now requires a UTF-8 compilant database for non english locales. MySQL prior to 4.1.1 will not work correctly with non english locales as of ITracker version 2.3.0 A new table reportbean was added to support reporting. Add this table, but no initialization of data is required. A new table configurationbean was added to support online configuration. Add this table, but no initialization of data is required. A new table languagebean was added to support online configuration. Add this table, but no initialization of data is required. A new table customfieldbean was added to support online configuration. Add this table, but no initialization of data is required. A new table customfieldvaluebean was added to support online configuration. Add this table, but no initialization of data is required. A new column remember_last_search was added to the userpreferencesbean table. Create this column and set it to 0 for all rows. The following columns were renamed to provide better database support (firebird): Table userbean password -> user_password Table issueactivitybean type -> activity_type Table issueattachmentbean type -> attachment_type Table permissionbean type -> permission_type If you are currently using custom fields, you will also need to perform some amount of data conversion. First you will need to use the new online configuration, and redefine all of your custom fields so they are loaded into the database. Then you will need to map all the old custom field data to the new custom fields. This is done by modifing the field_id column in the issuefieldbean table to correspond to the id of the matchinging custom field from the customfieldbean table. Be aware that in 2.2.1 the field_id column, was actually the bitvalue that was defined in the resource bundle. So if your old custom field with a bit value of 8, because a new custom field with an id of 43, you would update the data in the issuefieldbean table to change the field_id from 8 to 43. Note that this will require that you manually compare each of your old fields with the new ones in the database. As long as you don't change the values of options in the old custom fields, to the new ones, you shouldn't need to make any other changes. Follow Instructions for 2.3.0. From 2.1.1: The column role in the notificationbean table has been renamed user_role. Follow Instructions for 2.2.x. From 2.0.x: A new column hidden_index_sections was added to the userpreferencesbean table. Create this column and set it to 0 for all rows. A new column custom_fields was added to the projectbean table. Create this column and set it to 0 for all projects. A new table issuefieldbean was added to support custom fields. Add this table, but no initialization of data is required. A new table scheduledtaskbean was added to support the scheduler. Add this table, but no initialization of data is required. Follow Instructions for 2.1.1. From 1.7.x: Follow Instructions for 2.0.x. From 1.6.x: A new column user_locale to support internationalization was added to the userpreferencesbean table. This column must be added but no value is required. A new column target_version_id must be added to the issuebean table. No data conversion is required. Then follow instructions for 2.0.x. From 1.5.0: If you want to keep your existing users, you must add a new column to the userbean table called registration_type. After creating the column, update all existing records with a value of 1 to represent they were not self_registered users. Then follow the instructions for 1.6.x. From 1.4.x: The status values have been updated to use different numbers to allow for better customization of statuses. If you want to keep your existing data you will need to update the status field in the issuebean table as follows: Change 1 -> 100 Change 2 -> 300 Change 3 -> 400 Change 4 -> 500 Also a new integer column should be added to the projectbean table called options. This is used to store project specific boolean options. After creating the column, you must update it's value to 0 for all existing projects. Also a new column needs to be added to the issuehistorybean table called status. This is used to allow a super user to remove a history entry but still maintain it in the database for archive purposes. After creating the column, you must update all existing history entires to have a status of 1. Then follow the instructions for 1.5.0. From 1.2.2: In all previous versions there was a bug in the way JBoss and WebLogic were storing the component/version issue relations. Basically the data was in the wrong columns so the issue_id had the component's id and the component_id had the issue's id. Normally this wouldn't matter because it was consistent but the search uses straight SQL which would cause problems on different platforms. As such I had to fix it to get search to work correctly. If you want to keep your existing data, you'll need to go in and alter the tables to reverse the data before you run the new code. The easiest thing to do is rename issue_id column to temp, rename component_id to issue_id, and then rename temp to component_id. This needs to be done on all 3 relationship tables. Also a new column, status, was added to the projectbean, componentbean and versionbean tables. You will need to add this column to the tables and populate it with a value of 1. Also for MySQL, all the timestamp columns were changed to datetime. While the system will work if this isn't changed, it will cause the create dates for all components to constantly reset and be incorrect. This will prevent the user, or future features from determining how long an issue has been open. Then follow the instructions for 1.4.x. From 1.2.1: Follow instructions for 1.2.2. From 1.2.0: Follow instructions for 1.2.2. From 1.1.1: You will need to change the column 'size' in the issueattachmentbean table to be 'file_size'. Then follow the instructions for 1.2.2. From 1.1.0: 1) To upgrade from 1.1.0 and keep your existing data, you need to add the column 'file_size' of type int to the issueattachmentbean table. 2) Update the issueattachmentbean table and set the size for each entry. The easiest way to do this is just set the size of all existing rows to 0. This means existing attachments won't be used to enforce the quotas but is much easier than putting realistic values into a lot of data. 3) After altering the table, follow the instructions for 1.2.2. From 1.0.x: 1) To upgrade from 1.0 and keep your existing data, you need to create the issueattachmentbean table manually instead of rebuilding the entire database. The schema for the issueattachmentbean can be found in the create_itracker_core.sql script in the sql//install directory, where is either mysql, postgres, or oracle. 2) After creating the new table, follow the instructions for 1.2.2. 7.0 BUILD INSTRUCTIONS: ----------------------- 1) Install ant version 1.5+ 2) Edit the build.properties file in the root directory to fit your environment. 3) Modify the deployment descriptors to fit your environment. Make sure the env-entries for the ApplicationPropertiesBean are appropriate for your environment. More information on this can be found in #3 of the installation instructions below. 3) Use ant tasks to build software. Major tasks: Compiles and builds ear deploy Compiles and builds ear then copies to deployment directory compile Compiles all classes createdb Creates database tables deletedb Deletes database tables deployws Deploys the web services API to an axis server testws Test the web services API to ensure it was deployed correctly Then just run ant with no arguments to compile and build the ear. You can then follow the installation instructions below for installing the ear, or use the ant createdb task followed by the ant deploy task to deploy the application into your application server. If you are running on an application server other than weblogic, or jboss, you might want to create the appropriate deployment descriptors for your server and have the build.xml automatically include them in the ear. If you do this, please email them to me or post them to the ITracker message board so I can include them in a future release. 8.0 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: ------------------------------ 8.1 DATABASE INSTRUCTIONS: -------------------------- ITracker now requires a UTF-8 compliant database. It has been tested on postgreSQL and MySQL 4.1.1. MySQL 4.1.1+: ------------- The JDBC URL must include the additional parameters useUnicode=true and characterEncoding=UTF-8. The following is an example URL for jboss: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/dev?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8 Note: The URL usually will require the & to be encoded as & or encoded in CDATA tags if you are using it as XML data. If you want to support attachments, you may have to modify the setting max_allowed_packet in your mysql config file. You should set it to something slightly larger than the largest attachment you need to support. So if you allow 1 MB attachments, you should probably set this to 2M. If you see errors in the logs when saving attachments about packet size to large for the query, then this setting needs to be raised. 8.2 EXPRESS INSTALL (Using JBoss and HSQL): ------------------------------------------- ITracker now comes with HSQL scripts available so there is no dependency on an external database. This allows you to get a system up very quickly by just downloading and installing JBoss, running a single command to create the database tables, and then deploying the itracker.ear. This section walks you though this quick install just so you can get something up and running quickly. However the recommended installation for a larger production system is to use a database other than Hypersonic. 0) Download ITracker and expand the zip/gz. You can place these anywhere but for the purposes of these instructions I'll assume you expanded the distribution to C:\ITracker. Since you are reading these instructions, you should have already completed this step. 1) Download and install JBoss 3.2.x +. All you should need to do is go to jboss.org, download the latest binary release of JBoss (without Tomcat) and then install it by extracting the zip/gz to your local system. For the purposes of these instructions, I'll assume your installation directory is on windows, in the directory C:\JBoss\JBoss-3.2.1 (if you install it elsewhere just modify the paths and scripts you use in the following steps). 2) Create a new HSQL datasource for ITracker: If you are using JBoss 3.2.2+: You will need to edit the hsqldb service to use TCP connections not the inmemory or file store. To do this make sure the connection-url is set to: jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:1701 NOT: jdbc:hsqldb:. OR: jdbc:hsqldb:${jboss.server.data.dir}/hypersonic/localDB All three urls are in the file so make sure you have the correct one uncommented. Now you need to also uncomment the following line near the bottom of the file: jboss:service=Hypersonic Also uncomment the mbean section at the very bottom of the file that looks like this: 1701 true default false true Now for all versions, make a copy of this file for the ITracker datasource: copy C:\JBoss\JBoss-3.2.1\server\default\deploy\hsqldb-ds.xml C:\JBoss\JBoss-3.2.1\server\default\deploy\it-hsqldb-ds.xml 3) Edit the it-hsqldb-ds.xml, and change the DefaultDS to ITrackerDS. Also at the bottom of the file delete or comment out the following section (only in the it-hsqldb-ds.xml file): 1701 true default false true 4) Edit C:\JBoss\JBoss-3.2.1\server\default\conf\standardjbosscmp-jdbc.xml and change java:/DefaultDS to java:/ITrackerDS in the defaults section. 5) If you are using Jboss 3.2.1, there is a bug in the deployment where an incorrect value was supplied. To fix it edit C:\JBoss\JBoss-3.2.1\server\default\conf\jboss-service.xml and change False to True. 6) Start JBoss by issuing the following two commands: cd C:\JBoss\JBoss-3.2.1\bin run.bat 7) Create the database tables by running this command (all on one line): java -cp C:\JBoss\JBoss-3.2.1\server\default\lib\hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.util.ScriptTool -database default -url jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:1701: -log true -script C:\ITracker\sql\hsql\install\create_itracker_core.sql Depending on the version, if this fails you may need to change the database name. To do this change -database default to -database "" in the command line above. The double quotes are important since this means that no database name is being used. If you have problems running this, you can also use the jmx console to start the database manager. Open a browser an go to http://localhost:8080/jmx-console From there find the link "service=Hypersonic" and click on it. On the next page, scroll down to the startDatabaseManager section and click the invoke button under the method name. A new application should start. Go to File->Connect, and login to the database. You should select HSQL Database Engine Server as the Type, and the following URL: jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:1476 [JBoss 3.0.x] jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:1701 [JBoss 3.2.x] Then select File->Open Script and load the C:\ITracker\sql\hsql\install\create_itracker_core.sql script file. Now click the Execute button on the right of the loaded sql script. Finally commit the data by selecting Options->Commit. 8) Copy the itracker.ear file into the deploy directory. copy C:\ITracker\dist\itracker.ear C:\JBoss\JBoss-3.2.1\server\default\deploy You should see in the console, the ear being deployed and you should now be able to login to ITracker as admin/admin. 9) Certain features (notably email notifications) may not work with the default ITracker configuration. Please read section 8.2 of these instructions for how to configure the application to fit your specific configuration, especially the email addresses and SMTP server settings. 8.3 APPLICATION SERVER SETUP (Normal Install): ---------------------------------------------- 8.3.1 JBoss 3.x Setup: ---------------------- Datasource: Create a new DataSource that maps to your chosen database. You should bind it to java:/ITrackerDS. If you use a different name, you will need to configure the applition to find it. Sample configuration files can be found in the JBoss distribution, on the JBoss forums, and ones for mysql and oracle are distributed with this release in the docs/jboss directory. Now edit the standardjbosscmp-jdbc.xml file in server/default/conf. Change the default datasource to be ITrackerDS and the database mapping to the database you are using. An alternative for this if you have other applications deployed is to edit the jbosscmp-jdbc.xml deployment descriptor in the ear to define the datasource and database you want to use. You will also need to place the jdbc driver for your database either in the server classpath, or just drop it in the lib directory. You will also need to configure ITracker to use the different DS name, if you did not user ITrackerDS. This is done by editing the itrackerApplication.properties file or modifying the env-entry in the ejb-jar.xml file in the ear. Even if you aren't using HSQL as your datasource, you should still leave the hsql datasource that is supplied with JBoss and bound to DefaultDS. JBoss uses this datasource for storing JMS messages by deafult. If you really want to get rid of it, you will need to either configure your new datasource to be the storage location for JMS persistance, or configure JMS to use file based storage. There are some threads on the ITracker support forums if you need more information. ORACLE ONLY: ------------ If you are using Oracle on JBoss, you will need to modify the deployment file to allow for CLOB data types. You will need to edit the jbosscmp-jdbc.xml file in the ejb-app.jar in the itracker ear (or change it before you build from the source release. Find the following code in the file under the LanguageBean entity bean: resourceValueresource_value and change it to this: resourceValue resource_value CLOB CLOB Also it seems that Oracle is very slow when loading the initial language resources. If you experience transaction timeouts when starting ITracker for the first time, you can increase the transaction timeout to see if that solves the problem. This is done by editing the file server/default/conf/jboss-service.xml. In there find the following code and increase the timeout from 300 to something like 600 or 900. 300 jboss:service=XidFactory Another user reported that Oracle is much faster if you disable read-ahead in staradardcmp-jdbc.xml like this: none 1000 * JMS: No additional configuration should be required if you use the supplied deployment descriptors. If you wish to change the JMS Connection Factory or supply a different queue name, then you will need to edit the jboss.xml deployment descriptor in the ear. If you have problems with notifications with JBOss 3.2.x+ and are using a database other than HSQL, you probably will need to change the JMS deployment to use your database for persistance. You can do this by editing the JMS deployment as follows: 1. Copy mysql-jdbc2-service.xml from JBOSS_HOME/docs/examples/jms to JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deploy/jms edit the datasource name to your datasource name, e.g. change from MySqlDS to UrDS 2. Remove hsqldb-jdbc2-service.xml in the JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deploy/jms 3. Add the destination in the jbossmq-destinations-service.xml in the JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deploy/jms jboss.mq:service=DestinationManager 8.3.2 Weblogic 8.x (may work with 6.1sp3 and up) Setup: ------------------------------------------------------- Start the server (without ITracker deployed) and open the default console. The sample section of the config.xml produced by the following actions can be found in docs/weblogic. You can cut and paste those lines into the config.xml after modifying the values to be appropriate for your database. Logging: Weblogic needs to be configured for log4j. First put the supplied log4j.jar file into the weblogic lib directory. Now create a directory called log4j in the lib directory, and place the supplied log4j.xml file in there. The log4j.jar can be found in the lib/required directory of the distribution, the sample log4j.xml file can be found in the docs/build directory of the distribution. Now modify the log4j.xml in the lib/log4j directory to the appropriate values. Now you must edit the startWebLogic.cmd file (or the appropriate UNIX version). Add the following entries to the classpath environment variable: .\lib\log4j.jar;.\lib\log4j On the java command line add the following defines on one line, changing the file location to point to the log4j.xml file's correct location: -Dlog4j.defaultInitOverride=false -Dlog4j.configuration=file:/c:/bea/wlserver6.1/lib/log4j/log4j.xml Datasource: Configure a new Connection Pool under the JDBC entry and supply the appropriate information including the Name, URL, Driver, and userid and password in the properties box. Click the Create button to create the Connection Pool. Click on the targets tab and select the server the application will be deployed to and move it to the chosen list and click Apply. Now configure a new Tx Data Source under the JDBC entry. Use "ITrackerDS" without quotes as the JNDI name and the name of the Connection Pool that you just created as the Pool Name. Click the Create button to create the Data Source. Click on the targets tab and select the server the application will be deployed to and move it to the chosen list and click Apply. ORACLE ONLY: ------------ If you are using Oracle on WebLogic, you will need to modify the deployment file to allow for CLOB data types. You will need to edit the weblogic-cmp-rdbms-jar.xml file in the ejb-app.jar in the itracker ear (or change it before you build from the source release. Find the following code in the file under the LanguageBean entity bean: resourceValueresource_value and change it to this: resourceValue resource_value OracleClob JMS: Configure a new Connection Factory under the JMS entry. For the JNDI name use "jms/ConnectionFactory" without quotes. Click the Create button. Click on the targets tab and select the server the application will be deployed to and move it to the chosen list and click Apply. Configure a new Server under the JMS entry. The default entries are ok. Click the Create button. Click on the targets tab and select the server the and click Apply. Click on the Configuration tab and then click Configure Destinations at the bottom. Now configure a new JMSQueue. For the JNDI name type in "jms/ITrackerNotificationQueue" without quotes and click Apply. Also weblogic by default will retry JMS messages until they succeed. In the even that ITracker has a JMS failure, this can lead to the same notification email being sent out numerous times. It is suggest you turn this feature off in weblogic by setting the Redelivery Limit parameter for the notification queue to 0, instead of -1 (no limit). 8.3.3 Orion 2.0.2 Setup: ------------------------ Logging: Orion needs to be configured for log4j. First put the supplied log4j.jar file into the orion lib directory. Also place the supplied log4j.xml file in there. The log4j.jar can be found in the lib/required directory of the distribution, the sample log4j.xml file can be found in the docs/build directory of the distribution. Now modify the log4j.xml in the lib directory to the appropriate values. On the java command line add the following defines on one line before the -jar option, changing the file location to point to the log4j.xml file's correct location: -Dlog4j.defaultInitOverride=false -Dlog4j.configuration=file:/c:/orion/lib/log4j.xml Datasource: You will need to configre a new datasource in the config/data-sources.xml file. Follow the example in the file, and create a new entry for your specific database. You should use ITrackerDS as the value for the ejb-location property. You should also copy your database driver jar/zip file into the orion lib directory. NOTE: Due to the SQL that Orion generates for finders, only databases that support the full ANSI spec correctly seem to work. I could not get Orion to work with MySQL less than 4.1 (alpha) due to missing sub-select queries, or with Oracle 8i since it did not support the inner join syntax used by Orion. I suspect Oracle 9i, postgreSQL, and others would work but was not tested. An example datasource using mysql 4.1 is included in the docs/orion directory. Also since the database schema for MySQL isn't supplied, that can be found in the directory also. That file sould be placed in the config/database-schemas directory and renamed to mysql.xml if you are using MySQL. JMS: First you will need to create a new queue in the config/jms.xml file. Add a new entry under the Demo Queue entry. You should set the location property to be: jms/ITrackerNotificationQueue You also must enable JMS, since it is disabled by default. Open the config/server.xml file and uncomment the following line: Application Deployment: To deploy the application, copy the ear into the applications directory. Now you need to edit the config/server.xml file add add a new application by adding the following line just before the end of the file: If you are using a version of the JDK greater than 1.3.1, you must also add the following line to the config/server.xml file with the correct path to your tools.jar file from the JDK: Now you must set up the web applications. Open the config/default-web-site.xml file and and add the following lines after the default-web-app entry: This should set up the application and the web applications to start automatically. 8.3.4 Websphere 5.0: -------------------- I have not created deployment descriptors for ITracker for WAS 5.0, however ITracker should run under this server. It may be necessary to import the source code into WSAD and deploy from there. 8.3.5 JRun 4.0: --------------- I have not created deployment descriptors for ITracker for JRun 4.0, however ITracker should run under this server. 8.4 APPLICATION SETUP: ---------------------- 1) Create the necessary database tables. Example scripts for MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle, and PostgreSQL are included. If you use these scripts, much less customization will be necessary when the application is deployed. 2) Deploy the itracker.ear file into the application server. The ear file is located in the dist directory in the binary release. Deployment descriptors are included for both WebLogic 6.1sp3, JBoss3.0.x. 3) Configure the application. You may need to modify some of the deployment attributes depending on your environment. The most likely ones that will need modifying are the env-entries in the ApplicationProperties session bean, and the table and column names for the entity beans if you changed anything from the example sql scripts. Note that the datasource is defined in the ejb-jar.xml file. This must match the same datasource you have configured your container to use for CMP. It is set by default to ITrackerDS, so you only need to change this if you did not create your datasource as ITrackerDS. This entry isn't used by the entity beans, but is used by several key sessions beans to generate primary keys and do searching. Examples are supplied for several app servers. Also depending on your database, some of the database types for the CMP entity beans may need to be modified. ALSO YOU MUST CHANGE THE REPLY-TO AND FROM EMAIL ADDRESS FOR NOTIFICATIONS. Some mail servers may not work with the default values, and anyone that replies will get bounced email. Another option if the only thing you need to modify are the env-entries is to create an itrackerApplication.properties in app servers classpath. This properties file is loaded after the env-entries are parsed so they take precedence over anything in the deployment descriptor. The property names are the same as the env-entry-name but remove the itracker/properties from each one. For example, itracker/properties/notification_queue_name becomes just notification_queue_name in the properties file. Also make sure the file is in the app servers classpath. For example in JBoss, you must set the JBOSS_CLASSPATH environment variable to include the directories you want JBoss to look for classes in. A sample of this file is included in the docs directory. 4) The application is configured to create a default admin user (userid: admin, password: admin) if no users exist in the database. This feature can be disabled in the ejb-jar.xml file in the environment entries for the ApplicationProperties session bean. It is recommended that you not disable this feature since you would then need to manually create a row in the database for the first admin user so the user admin screens can be accessed. 8.5 WEB SERVICES API SETUP: --------------------------- 8.5.1 Installing Axis: ---------------------- There are two options for getting Axis into your application server. You can use the supplied version with ITracker or install your own. A third option would be to use any web services implimentation that comes with your application server, but I may not be able to help much if you run into problems. Installing ITracker supplied Axis: ------------------------------------------ 1) The easiest way to get the web services API, is to install the version of ITracker that includes AXIS in the ear. This installs both ITracker and also Axis mapped to /itracker/api. This prevents it conflicting with any other installed version of axis. The only downsides to this is the larger download and the posibility of having axis installed twice in your application server. Installing Axis manually: --------------------------------- 1) Install axis 1.1 into your web container. The easiest way to do this is to download the latest axis version and then deploy the axis.war into your web container. Due to the size, axis is not included in this distribution, but can be downloaded from http://ws.apache.org. NOTE: .Net has a bug where it can't interoperate with an axis isntallation without turning on a workaround in axis to prevent the collapse of empty array elements. To turn on this feature, you need to modify the axis server-config.wsdd file to include the following parameter: A sample server-config.wsdd is provided in the docs directory. To include it, download the latest axis distribution, and expand the war to a temporary directory. Copy in the same server-config.wsdd to the axis/WEB-INF directory, and rebuild the war using jar. 2) You may have problems with classpaths on weblogic. If so the easiest fix is to use the version of ITracker that includes axis since Axis has full access to ITrackers classes when they are in the same ear. 8.5.2 Deploying Services: ------------------------- After deploying the main ITracker application and axis into your server, you can use the deployws ant task to deploy the web services. Also the ws-dd.xml file is provided if you need to merge it into another web service already running or want to modify the deployment. Note that there are different ws-dd.xml files for different servers to support the differences in JNDI. Once the server is deployed, you can use the testws ant task to ensure that the service was deployed correctly. This requires that you have already logged onto ITracker through the web and that you have created a project and at least one issue. If you have the binary release of ITracker, you won't have ant or the build files. In this case you should go to the wsapi directory in the ITracker distribution and run the command deployws (deployws.bat on Windows, deployws.sh on UNIX/Linux). The format of the command is: deployws HOST:PORT APPSERVER where HOST:PORT is the host and post of the ITracker server, for example, localhost:8080 and APPSERVER is either jboss or weblogic depending on which server you deployed to. 9.0 CUSTOMIZING ITRACKER: ----------------------- 9.1 USING THE SCHEDULER: ------------------------ ITracker now supports a built in scheduler for tasks that need to be run periodically. The scheduler supports two types of jobs. The first are predefined tasks that are included with the application. The system also supports custom tasks, just by implementing the cowsultants.itracker.web.scheduler.SchedulableTask interface. The new class should then be placed in the classpath so it is available to the ITracker ear. To scedule a new task, click on the create new task icon, and fill out the screen. To use a predefined task, select it from the list. To use a custom task that has been written, leave the pulldown set to the blank option, and type in the full class name, including the package (i.e. cowsultants.itracker.task.custom.MyTask). Then fill out the arguments list as needed. To set the times the task should be run, fill out the fields like a cron entry. A * in a field, or leaveing a field blank, will mean any value for that field, an explicit set of numbers (comma seperated) indicate those exact times. So leaving all fields blank will mean run every minute. Filling out the minute to be 0,10,20,30,40,50 will mean run every ten minutes. Filling out just the hour to 2 will mean run at 2:00 am every day. The following tasks are provided with ITracker: o Reminder Notifications -- sends reminder notifications to users who are responsible for issues. It sends notifications for all unresolved issues. It is configurable to only run for some projects, and a configurable age and severity. Arguments (space seperated): [1] The base url of your itracker installation [default: http://localhost:8080/itracker] [2] Minimum age (last modified) of an issue to send reminder for [default: 30 days] [3] Project to run for. You can limit it to a single project. [default: All projects] [4] Issue Sevrity to look for. You can limit it to a single severity. [default: All severities] 9.2 CUSTOMIZING STATUSES AND SEVERITIES: ---------------------------------------- This is now done through the online system configuration interface. 9.3 ADDING CUSTOM FIELDS: ------------------------- This is now done through the online system configuration interface. 9.4 ADDING REPORTS: ------------------- New reports are now created using the online report administration. To create a new JFreeReport you just reference the XML file for the report field on the administration web page. To create a new JasperReport, you should compile the report and use the .jasper file on the admin page. You must compile the report using version 0.5.2 of jasper reports. For most reports this is all you need to do, however you can optionally create your own report class, in case you want to use a different data source, have complex logic that can't be performed through the report definition alone, or maybe want to use something other than JasperReports or JFreeReports. In this case you should create the class and reference the complete path in the report class field on the admin page. If you do not need to create your own class, you should leave the class field blank on the admin page so the appropriate default class is used. When creating reports, the following fields are available in the datasource: issueid projectid description status severity projectname createdate lastmoddate ownername owneremail creatorname creatoremail targetversion resolution components (array of ComponentModel objects) componentsstring (string with comma seperated component names) versions (array of VersionModel objects) versionsstring (string with comma seperated version numbers) history (array of HistoryModel objects) historystring (string containing comma seperated history entries in form desc, date, user) lasthistory lasthistorydate lasthistoryuser All fields are strings except where noted. The date fields are also strings, preformated to the locale of the user running the report. Also all custom fields are available. They should be accessed by using the name customfield. So to access the custom field with an id of 131 you would use the name: customfield131 If you want to create dynamic charts, it gets a little more complicated. The only report with them now is Issue Severity report, which you can use as an example. The charts are placed into a map and then served automatically from a servlet. You can create them in a custom report class, or you could generate them in a scriptlet (in the jasper report case) and then put them into a report variable. If you are running the server on a unix/linux machine, you may need to modify the server startup script to support the charts in the reports. The best way to accomplish this is to specify the java.awt.headless=true option when the jvm is started. However this will only work if the JVM you are using is 1.4 or greater. For a 1.3 jvm, you will need to either start X, or install something like pja to handle the AWT calls. You can find more information on the forums about pja. A more detailed report guide will be created in the future, but for now, all questions should be posted to the forums. 9.5 ADDING TRANSLATIONS/LOCALIZATIONS: -------------------------------------- To add a new language to ITracker, you should use the online administration screens to add the new language. If you want to use this as the default lanaguage for the server, change the locale in your itrackerApplication.properties. There are no longer any static images that need to be translated. The images that used to exist have been changed to HTML buttons and are now generated through the translations maintained in the database. Also if you do add a new translation, please send it to me so I can add it to future releases. You can do this by clicking the export button on the language administration screen, which will generate a new properties file for me to include in the releases. Parameters are used in the message following the MessageFormat class guidelines, for example parameter 4 would be {4} in the message text. Most of the base translations and replacement parameters are self explanitory. However there are a large number of parameters available for notifications. These parameters are listed below. For self registration (itracker.email.selfreg.body): Parameter 0 is the user's login id Parameter 1 is the login page url For notification emails (itracker.email.issue.body.standard): Parameter 0 in the subject is the issue id Parameter 1 in the subject is the project name Parameter 2 in the subject is the number of days since last modification (only sent in reminders) Parameter 0 in the body is the view_issue page url for this issue Parameter 1 in the body is the project name Parameter 2 in the body is the issue description Parameter 3 in the body is the issue status Parameter 4 in the body is the issue resolution Parameter 5 in the body is the issue severity Parameter 6 in the body is the owner's full name Parameter 7 in the body is the comma seperated component list Parameter 8 in the body is the name of the latest history entry creator Parameter 9 in the body is the text of the latest history entry Parameter 10 in the body is summary of all activity since the last notification For reminder emails (itracker.email.issue.body.reminder): Parameter 0 in the subject is the issue id Parameter 1 in the subject is the project name Parameter 2 in the subject is the number of days since last modification (only sent in reminders) Parameter 0 in the body is the view_issue page url for this issue Parameter 1 in the body is the project name Parameter 2 in the body is the issue description Parameter 3 in the body is the issue status Parameter 4 in the body is the issue severity Parameter 5 in the body is the owner's full name Parameter 6 in the body is the comma seperated component list Parameter 7 in the body is the name of the latest history entry creator Parameter 8 in the body is the text of the latest history entry Parameter 9 in the body is the number of days since last modification (only sent in reminders) Parameter 10 in the body is summary of all activity since the last notification 9.6 ADDING CUSTOM AUTHENTICATION: --------------------------------- ITracker supports pluggable authentication modules (PAM) for custom authentication. To write your own authentication to interface with an existing authentication source, you should implement the cowsultants.itracker.ejb.authentication.PluggableAuthenticator interface. A skeleton abstract implementation is provided in cowsultants.itracker.ejb.authentication.AbstractPluggableAuthenticator which can be extended. In addition these modules can authenticate a user that is self registering so it can be used to set up preauthorized users in the external source and then users can then register with their existing credentials. ITracker authentication now notifies the pluggable authenticator of profile changes. The changes can either be allowed through or not, and also allow the authenticator to augment any changes the user may be making. In addition permissions are now pulled from the authentication source so they can be maintained in an external system. 10.0 CONTRIBUTIONS: ------------------ If you find the software useful and would like to contribute to my development server fund, it would be greatly apprieciated. It costs quite a bit of money to host the servers for the demos. Any donations can be made through the ITracker website (perferred) or through SourceForge. If you would like to contribute in other ways, please see the Developer's Corner forum. I would like to thank the following people for contributing to ITracker: All ITracker Users -- For all your ideas on how to make the application better Arthur Wang -- All your ideas for fixing the application deadlocks in early versions Rick Szeto -- Providing original script for postgres David Cowan -- Providing original script for mssql Ricardo Trindade -- Original Portugese translation Andreas Wuest -- Original German translation Samuele Reghenzi -- Original Italian translation Yuriy Larin -- Original Russian translation