Version 2.5.0 (Development) --------------------------- TODO o Add in property that defines which locales are to loaded from the db o Add in related/duplicate issues -- Add relation type (Clone, Split, Duplicate, Parent, Child, Related) -- Add in action to link an issue -- Add in code to display all linked issues (type, id, status, description, lastmod date) -- Add in code to remove a link -- Add in code to update all related issues (?) o Add in issue clone/split -- Clone copies all data into new issue and adds clone relation -- Split copies all data into new issue, but description and history, and adds split relation o Add saved search queries o Add user configurable notifications -- Add support for multiple notification types, but no other types are defined yet o Add in preference for text links instead of icons o Add totals to myITracker blocks and projects pages o Add scripting support for custom fields -- Allow for text scripts -- Provide some default scripts -- Provide utilities for generating users/projects/versions/components lists -- Multiple scripts: OnCreate, OnValidate, OnSubmit Version 2.4.1 (Production) --------------------------- Feature Changes: o Added the id custom fields to the view/edit pages o Added current time to page footers o Added property to control characterset for email notifications Fixes: o Fixed a bug with custom fields not being available in reports o Changed Eclipse plugin to disable component/version pulldowns if they are not defined in the issue o Changed Eclipse plugin to display the owner name as text if the user can not change the owner o Fixed the Eclipse plugin to not display an error id the status or resolution fields are left blank o Fixed a bug where users may not be able to save their preferences o Fixed a bug where severity names were not being translated correctly o Fixed a bug where view issue would still show deleted history entries o Fixed a bug with issue search form not reseting empty text fields o Fixed a bug where the selected project could not be changed in search after the intial query was run Version 2.4.0 (Production) --------------------------- *** Includes all changes since since 2.2.1 *** New Features o Added back in issue severity report as an example report including charts o Added the ability to update issues to the eclipse client o Added project level filtering to the eclipse client Feature Changes: o Added several new attributes available to reports Fixes: o Fixed a bug where an issue's status was always reset to assigned when the owner was changed o Fixed a bug where blobs didn't work correctly with Oracle. Changed columns to use LONG RAW instead o Fixed a bug where reports weren't updated correctly o Fixed a bug where one of the project options didn't show up on the project admin page o Fixed several bugs in the eclipse client around custom fields Version 2.3.3 (Development) --------------------------- New Features: o Added parameter to set the session timeout for users o Add export link from admin page to export all data Feature Changes: o Removed custom field deletion due the potential loss of data. Instead, the field should just be unlinked from the project o Added create link from the edit and view issue pages o Changed close permission to work with limited edit o Changed permissions to have limited/full edit breakout o Changed edit page to use static text for fields that can't be edited Fixes: o Fixed bug where target version still showed up on the edit form if no versions were defined o Fixed bug where users with unassign self permission couldn't unassign the issue o Fixed a bug where the custom field type wasn't being displayed properly on the edit project screen o Fixed a bug where issue fields and configuration data wasn't being removed properly from the system o Fixed a few pages that were using nested double quotes in jsp tags. These pages couldn't be compiled under older versions of JBoss o Fixed a bug in language export where unicode characters weren't being encoded properly o Fixed a bug where option values were lost when updating an existing list custom field o Fixed a bug for languages where child locales weren't updated properly when the parent locale was changed o Removed caching on permission names so that updated language keys would be reflected immediately Version 2.3.2 (Development) --------------------------- Upgraded core struts libraries to the 1.1 final version. New Features: o Added export of attachment data o Added export of reports o Added ability for the system to load predefined reports o Added code to support issue activity in notifications. o Moved custom fields management to be performed via a web interface o Added ability to import configuration and custom fields from XML o Added import verification and import options o Added calendar to select dates for date custom fields o Added code to support creation of issues on another users behalf Feature Changes: o Added ability to search issues on targeted version o Added fixed resolutions to the search issues page o Changed editing reports so you uploaded the report definition instead of updating the XML directory on the web page. o Change ordering of custom fields that are loaded for issues to be sorted by the custom field id o Changed language administration to use textareas if the base value contained newline characters o Added the ability for pluggable authentication to set a custom error page to display to the user during login for an exception o Added code to call methods in the pluggable authentication to notify the system of profile updates and creates o Added code to pull all permissions from the pluggable authentication, not just when a user logs in o Changed code to transform newlines into
tags for history entries, if no project options were selected that already changed the history text display o Changed several permissions. - Changed Edit User's to only allow assignment of an issue, if the user is the creator - Added new permission Allow Assignment which allows any issue to be assigned to the user if the have Edit User's - Broke Assign Self into two permissions, Assign Self now allows users to assign an issue to themselves, Unassign Self allows users who are currently the owner of an issue to move it back into the unassigned state. The combination of these two issues would operate like Assign Self used to. Fixes: o Fixed bug where components and versions still showed up in some cases on the edit form and view form. o Fixed bug with attachments and mysql that prevented any attachment over 65k from being stored. o Fix bug where updating custom fields leaves rows in the issuefieldbean table with null issue ids. o Fixed bug where reports could not be created o Fixed a bug where the edit link didn't show up on the view pages if the user only had edit own permission o Fixed a bug where if a user edits preferences, it will automatically select the first language in the list if they have not previously selected one o Fixed bug where selected user permissions aren't retained if there is a form error. Version 2.3.1 (Development) --------------------------- New Features: o Moved custom fields from resources bundles into the database o Added the ability to import users, projects, issues into ITracker from an XML file o Added attachment support to the API o Updated the API to allow for issue updates Feature Changes: o Changed all session ejbs, except the web services ones, to only use local interfaces o The plugable authentication interfaces and classes were changed to allow for other types of authentication information than passwords (shared secrets, certificates), and to differentiate requestors (eg web app, api). o The plugable authentication now checks both request attributes, and then if form data, for plain text and encrypted password data. o The plugable authentication was extended to check if certian types of user information is allowed to be processed through ITracker. The supported types are core profile, password, preferences, and permissions. o The plugable authentication was changed to so that permissions are pulled from the authentication source. o Added better i18n support for mysql. Changes to the db creation scripts and a new filter for request processing. o Added code to support custom fields and attachments in an export o Changed the XML to use both a system ID and a unique id for better DOM support o Changed the resources bundles so an individual key could be updated. This allows the system to update cached values without reloading all the locales. o Added code to surpress component and version sections on forms if none are defined for the project o Changed all attachments to be stored in the database form the filesystem. This makes them more portable and also accessible from the EJB's o Added in code to move preexisting attachments into the database Fixes: o Fixed a bug in edit preferences where the form would not load correctly. o Fixed a bug where the option value would be displayed instead of the label on list custom fields. o Fixed a bug where the cached configuration items weren't being reloaded in circumstances. o Fixed a bug where the activity owner wasn't set correctly when an owner was assigned to an issue when it was created. o Fixed a bug where translated help files couldn't be loaded. Now the name of the new page is as a resource property. o Fixed a bug where the last permission on a project for a user couldn't be removed. o Fixed some bugs when updating a language online. o Fixed a bug where on the issue create screen some of the data would be lost if the page did not pass validation. o Fixed error handling on report page when no project is selected. o Fixed some forms to always use session based attributes for data. This allows validation to work better if javascript is disabled. There was no need for request based attributes since all forms were using transactional support that prevented a user from having more than one form open at a time (in a single session). o Fixed code so that users with Edit User's permission can be issue owners. o Fixed spacing between columns on main page and list issues to make it easier to read when fields are close together o Fixed view issue with fixed resolutions to show the appropriate text Version 2.3.0 (Development) --------------------------- New Features: o Added in basic report processing using JFreeReport. Admins can now define new reports through a web interface. o Added new Russian, Turkish, and Chinese translations o Moved all language resources to the database, and added the ability to maintain, and export languages through a web interface. Replaced default struts property message factory with ITracker message factory. o Moved resolutions, severity and status configurations to be performed via a web interface and out of the property files. Also reorganized much of the code to take this new configuration into account. o Added new MessageFormat class to allow for more than 10 options Feature Changes: o Changed some database column names to allow for firebird support o Moved the scheduler classes to the web package from ejb. Any custom tasks will need to be updated o Changed the search to remember the last query performed. A new user preference was also added to disable this feature o Changed issue export to provide more information so it can be used in the new import feature o Changed all jsp pages to use UTF-8 encoding o Converted all image buttons (Create, Update, Submit, etc.) to use HTML buttons with a stylesheet. Fixes: o Fixed a bug in custom fields where the current value for a list wouldn't be displayed when editing an issue o Fixed a bug where a null string could be returned when stripping html from a string o Fixed a missing image on the login page o Fixed a bug in notification creation where contributors weren't being properly created. o Fixed a bug in notfications where creators may not have been notified properly. Version 2.2.1 (Production) --------------------------- Feature Changes: o Added the ability to restrict by severity to the Reminder Notification task o Added better checking of custom field configuration values Fixes: o Fixed several German translations o Fixed Reminder Notification to parse the attributes correctly o Fixed Reminder Notification bug that could cause an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Exception o Fixed a bug where inactive or deleted users could still get notifications o Fixed a bug where custom fields wouldn't repopulate correctly. o Fixed a bug in all of the jsp tags that caused them to retain information across calls Version 2.2.0 (Production) --------------------------- Fixes: o Fixed edit issue so custom field validation worked correctly Version 2.1.3 (Development) --------------------------- New Features: o Added new literal html project option so that html in history entries will be displayed intact with no translation or processing. Note that the surpress html project option will superceed this option. o Added new user permission that allows a user to edit their own issues. This new permision is a limited edit, the user can only change the description, and add new history entries and attachments Fixes: o Fixed problem in IssueSearchHandler where statements weren't being closed o Fixed bug where new projects could not be created o Fixed bug in display of custom fields on the view issue page o Fixed bug where a user couldn't change their password Version 2.1.2 (Development) --------------------------- New Features: o Added support for Orion Application Server (2.0.2) o Added new Spanish translation Feature Changes: o Change role column name in notificationbean table to user_role o Changed all web services to allow for encrypted passwords o Changed code so that password information is never included in returned user models o Changed the email handler to send text/html using the ISO-8859-1 character set Fixes: o Fixed bug with email session handler o Changed some hard coded strings to resource keys in ForgotPasswordAction o Fixed redirect when deleting a scheduled task o Fixed a bug where watches couldn't be set Version 2.1.1 (Development) --------------------------- New Features: o Added new property to allow an administrator to set a system base URL used in email notifications. This can be used to override the dynamic URLs determined by the system. Feature Changes: o Changed the authenticator to be an interface instead of abstract class Fixes: o Fixed bug where the default system locale wasn't being set correctly o Fixed bug in search issues where you couldn't reset your query to any creator/ owner/contributor o Fixed a bug in the formatHistoryDescription tag code where there was not set method Version 2.1.0 (Development) --------------------------- New Features: o Added custom attributes to issues/projects. This allows an adminstrator to add custom, per-project fields to issues easily. o Changed authentication to be plugable. By writing your own class, you can change the source of user authentication. Currently users must still be created on ITracker, but you can use an external source to authenticate whether a new registration is allowed. Also things like user password changes on ITracker won't actually change the password in the remote system. o Added new ability to move an issue into a different project o Added a scheduler so that scheduled tasks can be performed on issues/projects o Added new project option to disallow attachments for a project o Added a configuration parameter so you can change the header logo to an alternate image by supplying a URL o Added new preference to hide sections of the myITracker page Feature Changes: o Changed the default Datasource from DefaultDS to ITrackerDS. This change makes it easier to use ITracker on JBoss 3.2+ o Added issue creation and assignment to the api Fixes: o Added code lost in struts conversion that computed the major and minor numbers of a project version Version 2.0.3 (Production) --------------------------- Fixes: o Fixed misspelled word in German translation o Fixed bug where a user could not change their own password o Fixed a bug in the IDCache when new id groups were created o Fixed a bug in the code that dynamically generates links to other issues when displaying history entries o Fixed a bug where versions weren't being set when an issue was created o Fixed a bug where a normal user couldn't edit an unassigned issue Version 2.0.2 (Production) --------------------------- Internal version Version 2.0.1 (Production) -------------------------- New Features: o Added new global system property that will allow an admin to disable the ability of all users to use the autologin feature Fixes: o Fixed bug with fixed project resolutions o Fixed bug that prevented the export CSV report from being run o Fixed bug where issue components wouldn't show up in some lists o Added German translations for the buttons on the site Version 2.0.0 (Production) -------------------------- *** Includes all features and fixes from Version 1.7.0 through 1.7.3 Fixes: o Fixed bug with checking notifications on search form o Fixed bug with column sorting on list issues page Version 1.7.3 (Development) -------------------------- New Features: o Added 2 new translations, German and Portugese Feature Changes: o Added new tag to format an issues owner o Changed code to perform less owner/creator lookups to increase performace of the application with long lists of issues. Fixes: o Fixed javascript on search forms o Fixed bug with project search where the project was not passed to the search Version 1.7.2 (Development) -------------------------- Fixes: o Fixed bug where you couldn't edit a user if they didn't have all permissions, or no permissions o Fixed default resource files to put newlines in the emails that are sent. o Fixed the edit_issue page to no wrap the delete history image o Fixed the link to delete the history entries to use the correct action o Fixed bug in RemoveHistoryEntryAction where id was sent as String instead of Integer o Fixed bug in formatDescriptionTag where wrong key was used for tuncate character o Fixed a bug where user permissions were not being loaded unless you were a superuser. Version 1.7.1 (Development) -------------------------- Feature Changes: o Changed locking for JBoss to NoLock. This means that without changes to the jboss.xml file, ITracker will only run on JBoss version 3.0.3+. If you wish to run it on an older version, you will need to change the entity locking back to MethodOnlyEJBLock from NoLock. o Changed code to make it easier to add reports. Now the only changes required is adding a new line to struts_config.xml, listing the report in the ResourceBundle and adding the report to the directory. Fixes: o Fixed bug where the user could not login if the local in their preferences was set to an empty string o Added code to clear session info if any error occurs during login o Fixed problem with help displaying o Fixed missing title for user update o Fixed problem with html tag stripping. New method uses regular expressions instead of simple character iteration. o Fixed bug with redirect where it wasn't setting the attribute into the request under some conditions Version 1.7.0 (Development) -------------------------- New Features: o Web application completely rewritten in Jakarta struts. o Added transactional support to key forms to prevent double clicking o Added form validation where needed o Moved all static text on the web site to resource bundles to support internationalization. Only currently supported locale is en_US but any translations by the community will be added to the release. o Added ability to customize issue statuses and severities through the resource bundles o Added user preference to let an individuals pick the locale the site will be displayed in. o Added code so a pattern like issue ### is turned into a link to that issue in the history entries automatically. The list of words are controled through the resource bundles. o Added a targeted version to an issue to track when issues will be fixed. Feature Changes: o Added code to the my preferences page so that no password information is displayed, and the current password is required to submit the form. o Changed passwords to be saved as SHA1 hashes in the database API Changes: o Redesigned the web services API to use the existing EJB's. New service now supports issue retrieval, and project information Fixes: o Fixed bug in CSV report Version 1.6.1 (Production) -------------------------- Fixes: o Fixed bug on main page where a user with only assign self permissions and unassigned issues, couldn't log in. Version 1.6.0 (Production) -------------------------- *** Includes all features and fixes from Version 1.5.0 and 1.5.1 Version 1.5.1 (Development) --------------------------- New Features: o Added support for authenticated email o Added self registration. Each project can be independently configured to allow self registration access. By default a self registered user will not have access to projects. A project must enable the create option and/or the view_all options to give those permissions to newly self_registered users. Other permissions must be added through the normal user administration process. Feature Changes: o Added a property that allows you to turn off the forgot your passsword function for the server Fixes: o Fixed bug in search page compilation o Fixed bug where search results weren't being cleared o Added code to check for null descriptions Version 1.5.0 (Development) --------------------------- New Features: o Added issue owner to the notification emails o Added ability for a user to unassign an issue if they can at least assign it to themself. This allows people to put it back into a status when a person who has the ability to assign it to others see it on their myITracker page o Changed status values to be larger values so new statuses can be inserted in between them easier. Also added new unassigned status for when the issue was previously assigned but no longer has an owner. o Added hiding of permissions on the user admin screen when a project is locked o Added code to allow a super user to delete (hide) history entries and override the status of an issue. o Added basic csv export for import into a spreadsheet program o Added project specific options (surpress HTML in history, allow assigned to closed status, and using a fixed set of resolution entries) Feature Changes: o Added ability to add users/permissions to a project when it is created o Default issue sort now applies to index page and issue list o Now the issue activity reports displays who assigned the issue instead of who the issue was assigned to in the user column Fixes: o Fixed bug in forgot_your password where the servlet wasn't registered o Changed owner names to use first initial on the index page to match the other pages o Fixed problem in url redirection if multiple parameters are passed o Fixed problem with using double quotes in the test fields of an issue Version 1.4.0 (Production) --------------------------- *** Includes all features and fixes from Version 1.3.0 through 1.3.2 *** Fixes: o Fixed bug in link to projects on issue severity report o Fixed encoding in form handler so international chars could be submitted on issue forms Version 1.3.2 (Development) --------------------------- New Features: o Added forgot password pages o Added mssql scripts courtesy of David Cowan o Added status to projects, components and versions o Added the ability to lock a project so it is completely unavailable, or only available for viewing/searching o Added more functions to web services API o Average Time Per User Report contributed by Anthony Di Paola Fixes: o Fixed the incredibly annoying ApplicationDeadlockExceptions in JBoss. This was done by changing the entity access in the container config in the jboss.xml file. Many, many thanks to Arthur Wang for fixing this. o Fixed mysql database scripts to not use timestamps. This was causing the create dates to constantly reset. o Major bug in WebLogic deployment descriptor exactly like the JBoss one. This caused the many-to-many relations ships to be stored in the wrong columns in the database. This had to be changed to facilitate changes to the search engine. If you wish to keep your existing component, version, and project owner relationships you must use SQL to rename the columns. The installation instructions have more info. o Changed code so only active (not locked) users can have issues assigned o Changed code so only active (not locked) users can be project owners. Locking a user removes them as a project owner from all projects. o Fixed compilation bug in issue search page o Fixed bug with some image urls in the header and index pages o Changed charset to ISO-8859-1 to see if that fixes international character issues Version 1.3.1 (Development) --------------------------- Fixes: o Fixed bug with users not able to edit their preferences o Fixed bug in binary releases where they would only run on JBoss Version 1.3.0 (Development) --------------------------- Feature Changes: o Added the ability to search on components, versions, owners, creators and resolution o Added additional preferences to control the issue list display o Added sorting by user on some displays o Added the ability to assign owner when creating an issue o Added additional info to notification messages o Shortened some date formats to fit the screen better o Updated reports to use JFreechart 0.9.2 o Updated web services client to use Apache Axis o Changed code to allow JNDI names to be changed, and changed references to follow the J2EE standards better Fixes: o Major bug in JBoss deployment descriptor caused the many-to-many relations ships to be stored in the wrong columns in the database. This had to be changed to facilitate changes to the search engine. If you wish to keep your existing component, version, and project owner relationships you must use SQL to rename the columns. The installation instructions have more info. o Numerous changes to get weblogic working again. More complete installation instructions were also added for Weblogic. Version 1.2.2 (Stable) ---------------------- Fixes: o Fixed international character issues o Fixed problems with export issues o Added sample file Version 1.2.1 (Stable) ---------------------- Fixes: o Fixed bug when editing issues o Fixed bug when viewing issues with attachments that caused a server error Version 1.2.0 (Stable) ---------------------- *** Includes all features and fixes from Version 1.1.0 through 1.1.2 *** Fixes: o Fixed bug in issue severity report when the project contained old issues Version 1.1.2 (Development) --------------------------- Fixes: o Fixed Oracle date column types o Fixed size column name in issuepreferencesbean table o Fixed error on edit_issue_action.jsp Version 1.1.1 (Development) --------------------------- Fixes: o Fixed bug with saving full pathname of file in attachments where client was a different OS than server Feature Changes: o Added more user preferences for controlling the myITracker page o Added code to list and delete attachments o Added max attachment size, and max total attachments size Version 1.1.0 (Development) --------------------------- Fixes: o Fixed bug in autologin where system error occurred on first page load o Fixed bug with autologin where page query parameters weren't passed on the redirect o Fixed notifications to only add new entries if an existing entry does not already exist Feature Changes: o Added a default search criteria when search page is loaded o Changed version numbers to allow multiple levels New Features: o Added issue attachments Version 1.01 (Stable) ------------------------ Fixes: o Minor bug fixes o Updated jboss.xml and some code to support JBoss3.0(final) Previous versions were tested against JBoss3.0RC1 which had a different way of parsing the jboss.xml files. Version 1.0 (Stable) ------------------------ Fixes: o Minor bug fixes with cookie parsing o Minor bug fixes with version number validation upon creation Version 0.95 (Development) -------------------------- New Features: o Enhanced web service to support authentication and authorization The current service will obtain a list of visible issues for a user o Added basic issue search capabilities o Charts have been added to the severity reports. This functionality makes use of JFreeChart(c) from Fixes: o Minor bug fixes with autologin. Known Problems: o ApplicationDeadlockExceptions occur infrequently when assigning issues from the myITracker page. It is not consistently reproducible but I'm continuing to work on it. Version 0.91 ------------ o Minor bug fixes o Reorganizes some of the packages to support easier deployment o Additional comments and documentation have been added to help with the build and deployment processes. Version 0.9 ----------- o This version contains a sample web service to retrieve issue ids. THIS EARLY VERSION OF THE WEB SERVICE IS COMPLETELY UNSECURED. To test it, install Apache SOAP, and then register the service. Several new ant tasks were added to support this new functionality. 1) deplyws 2) undeployws 3) testws